jacckmark / test_repo_for_chuck_joke_action

test repo for chuck norris joke action
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some test issue #1

Open jacckmark opened 4 years ago

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

some test issue for you and me

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

some comment nr 1

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Thunderbird is no longer funded by Mozilla. Fortunately there is an active community keeping it running and developing it further. But to survive long term, the project needs funding.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Thunderbird is no longer funded by Mozilla. Fortunately there is an active community keeping it running and developing it further. But to survive long term, the project needs funding.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Thunderbird is no longer funded by Mozilla. Fortunately there is an active community keeping it running and developing it further. But to survive long term, the project needs funding. haha

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Thunderbird is no longer funded by Mozilla. Fortunately there is an active community keeping it running and developing it further. But to survive long term, the project needs funding. haha

test this is

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Thunderbird is no longer funded by Mozilla. Fortunately there is an active community keeping it running and developing it further. But to survive long term, the project needs funding. haha

test this is not

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Thunderbird is no longer funded by Mozilla. Fortunately there is an active community keeping it running and developing it further. But to survive long term, the project needs funding. hehe

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

You'll note that we've wrapped the code inside a function, and we've included the async keyword before the function keyword. This is necessary — you have to create an async function to define a block of code in which you'll run your async code; as we said earlier, await only works inside of async functions.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

You'll note that we've wrapped the code inside a function, and we've included the async keyword before the function keyword. This is necessary — you have to create an async function to define a block of code in which you'll run your async code; as we said earlier, await only works inside of async functions 2.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

You'll note that we've wrapped the code inside a function, and we've included the async keyword before the function keyword. This is necessary — you have to create an async function to define a block of code in which you'll run your async code; as we said earlier, await only works inside of async functions 1.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

You'll note that we've wrapped the code inside a function, and we've included the async keyword before the function keyword. This is necessary — you have to create an async function to define a block of code in which you'll run your async code; as we said earlier, await only works inside of async functions 55.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

You'll note that we've wrapped the code (THE CODE) inside a function, and we've included the async keyword before the function keyword. This is necessary — you have to create an async function to define a block of code in which you'll run your async code; as we said earlier, await only works inside of async functions 552.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

You'll note that we've wrapped the code (THE CODE2) inside a function, and we've included the async keyword before the function keyword. This is necessary — you have to create an async function to define a block of code in which you'll run your async code; as we said earlier, await only works inside of async functions 552.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

You'll note that we've wrapped the code (THE CODE2) inside a function, and we've included the async keyword before the function keyword. This is necessary — you have to create an async function to define a block of code in which you'll run your async code; as we said earlier, await only works inside of async functions 553.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Thunderbird is the leading open source, cross-platform email and calendaring client, free for business and personal use. We want it to stay secure and become even better. A donation will allow us to hire developers, pay for infrastructure, and continue to improve.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Need help with something in Thunderbird? We have a support page where you can ask questions and read knowledge base articles to learn how to use Thunderbird.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Need help with something in Thunderbird? We have a support page where you can ask questions and read knowledge base articles to learn how to use Thunderbird2.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Need help with something in Thunderbird? We have a support page where you can ask questions and read knowledge base articles to learn how to use Thunderbird333.

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Need help with something in Thunderbird? We have a support page where you can ask questions and read knowledge base articles to learn how to use Thunderbird332 .

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Need help with something in Thunderbird? We have a support page where you can ask questions and read knowledge base articles to learn how to use Thunderbird331

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Ok, "so an actual question then is,Well,I doing here, what am,Right?The livestream attendees, " kamara asked.I giving a talk at crypto if I 'm not talking about technical things, "why am?And,You know,Killed in february, basically I 'm here because ahmaud arbery was,Killed by a storm trooper officer in march, because breonna taylor was,Also killed by storm trooper officers in may, and because george floyd was."xxxxxx

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Ok, "so an actual question then is,Well,I doing here, what am,Right?The livestream attendees, " kamara asked.I giving a talk at crypto if I 'm not talking about technical things, "why am?And,You know,Killed in february, basically I 'm here because ahmaud arbery was,Killed by a storm trooper officer in march, because breonna taylor was,Also killed by storm trooper officers in may, and because george floyd was."qxxxxxx

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Ola, hi my name is.I 'm very nice and I 'm looking for a friend.Xxxxxx

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

Julian, hi my name is

jacckmark commented 4 years ago

[translated from english, to yodish]: The talk,Dubbed crypto for the people and given on august 19,The question of who really benefits from encryption technologies and advances in cryptographic research, examined.A call to reexamine research priorities that today largely serve the interests of governments and corporations instead of marginalized people, it sounded,They racial minorities, be,Immigrants,Women,The lgbtq community,Or others.Out that even the open source community and movements like the cypherpunks largely don't directly work to address these needs, as an immigrant and black american—and one of the few black academic cryptographers in the world—kamara pointed.