jacg / petalo

PET scanner image reconstruction
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Missed voxels #3

Open jacg opened 3 years ago

jacg commented 3 years ago

Proptest sometimes finds counterexamples in weights::test::sum_of_weights_equals_length_through_box.

You can generate one of these by adding

cc 9623d12ec74f6f79dc5a90931729a1a4a00af0e9930105eb90fdffd3be27ef7a

to petalo/proptest-regressions/weights.txt

It's unlikely to have a significant impact on the reconstruction results, but it would be good to understand and eliminate it, when time allows.

jacg commented 3 years ago

An example of incorrect voxel visualisation:

cargo run --bin vislor -- -l'0 0  -120.73839 -375.3521 177.88397  59.125206 380.79 -94.61467'

The LOR appears outside of the active voxels.

This might be a problem with find_active_voxels or it might be a problem with how it is used by vislor.