jackMort / ChatGPT.nvim

ChatGPT Neovim Plugin: Effortless Natural Language Generation with OpenAI's ChatGPT API
Apache License 2.0
3.57k stars 307 forks source link

Improve Documentation #91

Open jackMort opened 1 year ago

jackMort commented 1 year ago

Document all the flows and config options, add some actions examples

Nokodoko commented 1 year ago

Hey Jack I'd love to help here. To make sure that I'm working on the right thing: You are referring to the actions.json file, and making documentation and example usage for each of those?

wtanksleyjr commented 1 year ago

I'd love to see this - I decided to switch to nvim because of this, but then I found that none of the installation instructions bears any resemblance to anything I know about. Packer I guess is a module manager, but installing Packer itself is apparently beyond me (the terse instructions on its own site just produce pages of errors for me). I thought vim itself was supposed to be hard to use, nvim seems to have it beat.

Nokodoko commented 1 year ago

Understanding the lua runtime path (rtp) and calling lua modules it will help. That said, the setup configuration is mentioned in the Readme.md If you use:

        -- optional configuration

in your init.lua you should be good. There are a lot of great videos on how to configure neovim, but if you are just starting I would suggest using a pre-made, or out the box variant: https://github.com/AstroNvim/AstroNvim (there are several, this is the first one that came to mind).

wtanksleyjr commented 1 year ago

Fantastic tip, that got me moving in the right direction. Thank you! I just ran my first ChatGPTEditWithInstructions, great results.

rounakcodes commented 1 year ago

I'd love to see this - I decided to switch to nvim because of this, but then I found that none of the installation instructions bears any resemblance to anything I know about. Packer I guess is a module manager, but installing Packer itself is apparently beyond me (the terse instructions on its own site just produce pages of errors for me). I thought vim itself was supposed to be hard to use, nvim seems to have it beat.



This made my life simpler. I don't write lua but I have a fairly good idea what is going on when I am adding a new plugin. Instead of spending hours trying to make something work everytime, better to understand the basics once!

bruteforks commented 1 year ago

the same guy chris@machine also has this really good starting point config

CulleyHarrelson commented 1 year ago

I think the installation instructions could use another review. "Make sure you have curl installed" is pretty weak installation instructions compared to all the talk about password managers. I think having a basic installation instruction with the environment variable would be a good starting point for launching into more secure password management.

jackMort commented 1 year ago

Feel free to add PR with better instructions