jackaudio / jack1

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Installing in catalina but invisible, can't uninstall. #107

Closed ben-milkshake closed 3 years ago

ben-milkshake commented 3 years ago

Hi guys. I installed the last release. the installer said went ok. but no jack folder in the application directory, nowhere any files from the tool. when I go to OBS, it is visible in the sound devices list, but cannot be used.

I looked up to uninstall with mac remover tool, it is not listed either ! so I try with another tool and nothing works, might due to a conflict !

please help.

have a good day

falkTX commented 3 years ago

See https://github.com/jackaudio/jack2/issues/689

jack is a system service, not an application. an uninstaller will be added at a later point, for now, see /usr/local/share/jack2/jack2-osx-files.txt for the list of files. they are listed on the 1st page of the installer too, not sure if you read that.

ben-milkshake commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your response. there's no such file (jack2-osx-files) in my entire system ! yes the 1st page of jack2-osx-1.9.16 installer listed them, Cannot find any. nothing with Jack besides the zip and installer. nevertheless it is listed in OBS .

Thank you for your help. best

falkTX commented 3 years ago

Then you must have installed jack some other way, which is unsupported.

ben-milkshake commented 3 years ago

HI, I did not ! I do not even know how to do. I did run the installation again now, no file created even if installer is saying correct installation ! can't find jack2-osx-files

any other idea? thx

ben-milkshake commented 3 years ago

Help please :)

falkTX commented 3 years ago

if you installed it and it says installation complete, I am not sure what else to tell you...

from where did you install it? anything outside of https://jackaudio.org/downloads/ is unsupported