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CI automated tarball creation and deployment #115

Closed redtide closed 2 years ago

redtide commented 2 years ago

Automate the creation of the source tarball using git-archive-all, including submodules (recursively). It also excludes dotfiles, which are only used by past and present VCS, so let me know if this is undesirable. It works only when tagging and deploys the resulting file to GH Releases, so the only manual action required for the process is to create a new tag. The result can be seen as preview here.

falkTX commented 2 years ago

Very useful, thanks.

Still need to try to generate a configure file, but that is something a bit separate.

redtide commented 2 years ago

I noticed that previous tarballs don't have it, I guess it was on purpose so users would have to run autogen.sh first but I could be wrong, otherwise autoreconf/update should be added in that file. If we need to generate configure without keep it in git I should replace git-archive-all and use something else like rsync, because the former doesn't archive files outside the git tree.

falkTX commented 2 years ago

yeah just noticed that, git-archive-all is not what we want here

redtide commented 2 years ago

So let me know if a solution like this would be fine.

falkTX commented 2 years ago

See #116 which seems to work as far as I can tell