jackaudio / jack1

jack1 codebase
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Please make a release #66

Closed yurivict closed 6 years ago

yurivict commented 6 years ago

Last release was in September 2016.

falkTX commented 6 years ago

Exactly, last release was less than a year ago. This trend of always updating software needs to stop.

If you have a real reason for why jack1 needs a new release, I'm all ears. A one year old software is not obsolete.

yurivict commented 6 years ago

Yes. 7 months ago I submitted a patch that enabled real-time priority mode on FreeBSD that was impossible before. Now I find that this patch is still not in a release. So I had to roll the FreeBSD port to the current github revision just to get that patch in. 7 months is simply too long.

falkTX commented 6 years ago

ok, then please mention that next time instead of just saying when the last release was. let's do it like this, see if you can fix #67, then I'll handle the needed things for a release.

yurivict commented 6 years ago

@falkTX I am closing this for now. I would like to fix few more things. You are right, no need to rush with the release. pthread thread priority warning on FreeBSD. Maybe I can find a midi card and implement midi in OSS driver.

I would appreciate if you merge several pull requests that I submitted.

Thank you!