jackaudio / jack1

jack1 codebase
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"Jack: data not valid" when NetJack1 using higher channels count (MTU bound?) #93

Open lapsio opened 4 years ago

lapsio commented 4 years ago


I'm using Scarlett 18i20 which (as name suggests) is 18/20 channels ADAT interface. Unfortunately I can't seem to successfully connect it over network using more than 6/6 channels. When I bump MTU to 9000 (max jumbo supported by my physical network) and use -m 9000 flag I can reach 8/8 channels. If I use virtualized network (with no real MTU limit) I can reach 10/10 channels with 18k jumbo (which is realistically not supported by real world hardware). It's quite weird limitation.

As result It's quite problematic to use this interface via netjack. Even though I have actually 10G network backbone which should be easily able to pull off such scenario.

I tried increasing -n and even adding -R and -D but nothing helped. My JACK package is crashing with segmentation fault when I try to use CELT compression but honestly I wouldn't accept this as solution anyways so I guess it doesn't really matter.