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AES 67 Driver #311

Open ReubenM opened 6 years ago

ReubenM commented 6 years ago

This topic has been tossed around on several mailing lists, but nothing has ever come from it. I want to start an actual request here for an AES 67 backend driver for jack.

Personally I want to be able to multitrack audio from a Yamaha based Dante system that offers AES67 as an interop protocol format.

I believe all functionality is available from various FOSS libraries, and it should mostly be a matter of creating code to glue it together.

Some Details:

ffmpeg project libraries support both SAP and RTP. Also there are several FOSS PTP implementations available.

Yamaha Documentation

If anybody wants to take a stab at this I can provide a powerful gentoo box you can remote into, connected to a yamaha dante network outputting AES 67 for testing.

wargreen commented 6 years ago

Hi, i'm very interested also ! Ravenna seem work on a alsa driver : http://forum.merging.com/viewtopic.php?t=11319#p39464

we are working on an AES67 ALSA driver and we are close to finalize.

chris-ritsen commented 6 years ago

Audinate just released some new adapters (AVIO) which support two channel in / out and over XLR and USB. The USB adapter appears as a standard audio device, so this works with jack using alsa_in / alsa_out. I have these connected to a d-link dgs-1510-28p switch. Once I figured out how to configure DSCP, everything worked perfectly. I recommend these to anyone who wants relatively inexpensive Dante/AES67 hardware to get started. Latency is averaging about half a millisecond per adapter and all of the IO is balanced.

ReubenM commented 6 years ago

There is also a PCI-E Dante / AES67 card that has come onto the market recently which explicitly states that it has Alsa driver support: https://www.digigram.com/production-and-sound-cards/lx-dante-ip-audio-network-multichannel-sound-card/

edglazer commented 5 years ago

FWIW, Audioscience has a number of cards that support some of the individual specs that are wrapped into AES67 - specifically AVB, Livewire (Ravenna is very close to Livewire, IIRC), and Cobranet. http://www.audioscience.com/internet/products/network_audio.htm

Further, they have downloadable driver source code for their devices: http://www.audioscience.com/internet/download/linux_drivers.htm

Maybe that is helpful to someone?

edglazer commented 5 years ago

Also this is an example of someone working towards the same: https://github.com/markmcconnell/mai And this project has apparently implemented functional Ravenna/Livewire AES67 as a source and a destination on the network: https://github.com/openbroadcaster/obplayer

ghost commented 5 years ago

@edglazer , could you advice me the working source code with implementation of AES67. I want to realize it on ARM-MCU.

edglazer commented 5 years ago

@edglazer , could you advice me the working source code with implementation of AES67. I want to realize it on ARM-MCU. I probably can't offer much help, I've only patched together very basic AES67 applications on a network. And actually, they are probably not, technically speaking, true AES67 implementations, because they use the Livewire protocol (the Telos AOIP implementation), and not their slightly newer AES67 compliant "Livewire+" protocol.

You might want to check out Archwave, a company that develops SoCs for AES67 & 70. Also Ravenna offers various software, and I think they partner with others to develop products for AES67. I have an email from 2015 where they said:

The software is designed to run on any Linux-capable hardware platform (i.e. ARM9, PowerPC, Intel PC etc.). Most of the code is platform-independent, but apparently the platform needs to supply certain functionality (i.e. drivers, Linux board-support package etc.).

I never got much further in talking with them, but I believe their model is to partner with developers and help them write code to use Ravenna/AES67 (in exchange for money, I'm assuming).

Hope that is helpful!

ghost commented 5 years ago

Thanks you for answer. Could you send me an email-address of Ravenna?

paraenggu commented 5 years ago

@vadly67 Some (hopefully) interesting mail-threads and links regarding AES67 Basically the GStreamer project has all components ready for an implementation but would need someone to glue them together into a working client (see the Darkice link below).

BTW. we at Radio Bern RaBe would love to see a working open-source implementation of AES67 and are happy to test or otherwise contribute :-)

ghost commented 5 years ago

@paraenggu, thanks a lot for links

ghost commented 5 years ago

I applied mai master (as sender). But I have big problems with Jack Kit. This Kit give very big noise.

edglazer commented 5 years ago

@vadly67 I think I just emailed the address on their contact page.

edglazer commented 5 years ago

Wow, I just noticed that Merging Technologies has produced an ALSA AES67 driver for Linux, and the source code is available in this repo. That might be helpful?

edglazer commented 5 years ago

@vadly67 I also found this example of someone who wrote a functioning open source implementation of a gstreamer based AES67 recorder. https://github.com/voc/aes67-recorder

You never said what your use case was, just that you wanted it to run on ARM. Maybe if we knew more about your specific application, we could point you more specifically in the right direction.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@edglazer , thanks you a lot. My finish aim - creating AES67 devices which based on ARM MCU. For intermediary step I selected implementation of mai-master ( https://github.com/markmcconnell/mai ) on Ubuntu (PC).

bvanpoortvliet commented 5 years ago

@vadly67 I think I'm trying to accomplish the same, a send/receive AES67 on raspberries with MAI. Any progress on your end so far?

ghost commented 5 years ago

@edglazer, I almost finished it on Ubuntu. I have used Jack audio but noise of reproduced signal is more then average.

edglazer commented 5 years ago

@vadly67 That's interesting, but strange. This is on a PC with Ubuntu, right? Can you isolate where in the audio chain the noise is being introduced (including the networking stack)?

ghost commented 5 years ago

@edglazer, I checked it in the next chain: microphone-> mai-> rtp packets which immediately was saved on disk in the sound file. After reproducing of this file I listened sound.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@edglazer, Possible the sound quality was not good because mai- application does not use PTP sync? If you have experience, could you say about using precise time received from PTP Grand Master: 1) adjustment the system clock 2) adjustment the clock of audio driver (ALSA, Jack and etc.) What is method using for time adjustment : only first or first and second methods?

Thank in advance

edglazer commented 5 years ago

@vadly67 I don't have experience with the setup you are using, and I'm no longer working at the same place I was when we started commenting on this thread. Unfortunately I don't have access to AES67 compliant hardware at this time.