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ViViTree #39

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
// VividTree.cpp : Implementation of Class VividTree
// Copyright(C) 2005 Jim Alsup  All rights reserved
//              email: ja.alsup@gmail.com
// License: This code is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied 
//          warranty. You may use, or derive works from this file without
//          any restrictions except those listed below.
//        - This original header must be kept in the derived work.
//        - If your derived work is distributed in any form, you must
//          notify the author via the email address above and provide a 
//          short description of the product and intended audience.  
//        - You may not sell this code or a derived version of it as part of 
//          a comercial code library. 
//        - Offering the author a free licensed copy of any end product 
//          using this code is not required, but does endear you with a 
//          bounty of good karma.

// This owner draw tree control allows for the creation of a tree control
// that loosely resembles the user interface used by Skype's main window.
// Beside demonstrating the basics of creating an ownerdrawn tree control,
// but more importantly, demonstrates gradient backgrounds fills, bitmap 
// backgrounds, flicker free drawing, and how to deal with these in a 
// scrollable and resizable dialog.
// The underlying gradient or bitmap image is sized according the natural
// size of the visible (on screen or not) tree data.  This can be more
// readily understood and seen by opening and collasping the tree leaf
// with a long text name.  Notice the bmp or gradient resizes to the
// actual screen content.  
// Version History
// Sept 1, 2005  1.0.0  Initial Version

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "VividTree.h"
#include ".\vividtree.h"

#define _OWNER_DRAWN 1  // Set to 0 to use Windows draw code.  

// Gradient Filling Helper Routine
void GradientFillRect( CDC *pDC, CRect &rect, COLORREF col_from, COLORREF 
col_to, bool vert_grad )
    TRIVERTEX        vert[2];
    GRADIENT_RECT    mesh;

    vert[0].x      = rect.left;
    vert[0].y      = rect.top;
    vert[0].Alpha  = 0x0000;
    vert[0].Blue   = GetBValue(col_from) << 8;
    vert[0].Green  = GetGValue(col_from) << 8;
    vert[0].Red    = GetRValue(col_from) << 8;

    vert[1].x      = rect.right;
    vert[1].y      = rect.bottom; 
    vert[1].Alpha  = 0x0000;
    vert[1].Blue   = GetBValue(col_to) << 8;
    vert[1].Green  = GetGValue(col_to) << 8;
    vert[1].Red    = GetRValue(col_to) << 8;

    mesh.UpperLeft  = 0;
    mesh.LowerRight = 1;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1300  // only VS7 and above has GradientFill as a pDC member
    pDC->GradientFill( vert, 2, &mesh, 1, vert_grad ? GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V : 
    GradientFill( pDC->m_hDC, vert, 2, &mesh, 1, vert_grad ? GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V : 

// CTreeCtrlEx


    m_gradient_bkgd_sel = RGB( 0x80, 0xa0, 0xff );  //Blueish
    m_gradient_bkgd_from = RGB( 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ); //White
    m_gradient_bkgd_to = RGB( 0xd5, 0xd5, 0xe0 );   //Light Greyish Blue
    m_bkgd_mode = BK_MODE_GRADIENT;
    m_bmp_tiled_mode = false;
    m_gradient_horz = true;

    VERIFY( m_bmp_tree_closed.LoadBitmap( IDB_TREE_CLOSED ) ) ; 
    VERIFY( m_bmp_tree_open.LoadBitmap( IDB_TREE_OPENED ) ) ; 
    m_icon = NULL;

    if (m_bmp_back_ground.GetSafeHandle())
    if (m_bmp_tree_closed.GetSafeHandle())
    if (m_bmp_tree_open.GetSafeHandle())


// CVividTree message handlers

BOOL VividTree::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
    // nothing to do here -- see OnPaint
    return TRUE;

void VividTree::OnPaint()
    CPaintDC dc(this);  // Device context for painting
    CDC dc_ff;          // Memory base device context for flicker free painting
    CBitmap bm_ff;      // The bitmap we paint into
    CBitmap *bm_old;
    CFont *font, *old_font;
    CFont fontDC;
    int old_mode;

    SCROLLINFO scroll_info;
    // Determine window portal to draw into taking into account
    // scrolling position
    if ( GetScrollInfo( SB_HORZ, &scroll_info, SIF_POS | SIF_RANGE ) )
        m_h_offset = -scroll_info.nPos;
        m_h_size = max( scroll_info.nMax+1, m_rect.Width());
        m_h_offset = m_rect.left;
        m_h_size = m_rect.Width();
    if ( GetScrollInfo( SB_VERT, &scroll_info, SIF_POS | SIF_RANGE ) )
        if ( scroll_info.nMin == 0 && scroll_info.nMax == 100) 
            scroll_info.nMax = 0;
        m_v_offset = -scroll_info.nPos * GetItemHeight();
        m_v_size = max( (scroll_info.nMax+2)*((int)GetItemHeight()+1), m_rect.Height() );
        m_v_offset = m_rect.top;
        m_v_size = m_rect.Height();

    // Create an offscreen dc to paint with (prevents flicker issues)
    dc_ff.CreateCompatibleDC( &dc );
    bm_ff.CreateCompatibleBitmap( &dc, m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height() );
    // Select the bitmap into the off-screen DC.
    bm_old = (CBitmap *)dc_ff.SelectObject( &bm_ff );
    // Default font in the DC is not the font used by 
    // the tree control, so grab it and select it in.
    font = GetFont();
    old_font = dc_ff.SelectObject( font );
    // We're going to draw text transparently
    old_mode = dc_ff.SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT );

    DrawBackGround( &dc_ff );
    DrawItems( &dc_ff );

    // Now Blt the changes to the real device context - this prevents flicker.
    dc.BitBlt( m_rect.left, m_rect.top, m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height(), &dc_ff, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

    dc_ff.SelectObject( old_font );
    dc_ff.SetBkMode( old_mode );
    dc_ff.SelectObject( bm_old );

// Draw TreeCtrl Background - 
void VividTree::DrawBackGround( CDC* pDC )
    BkMode mode = m_bkgd_mode;

    if ( mode == BK_MODE_BMP )
        if ( !m_bmp_back_ground.GetSafeHandle() )
            mode = BK_MODE_GRADIENT;
    if ( mode == BK_MODE_GRADIENT )
        GradientFillRect( pDC, 
            CRect( m_h_offset, m_v_offset, m_h_size + m_h_offset, m_v_size + m_v_offset ), 
            m_gradient_bkgd_from, m_gradient_bkgd_to, !m_gradient_horz );
    else if ( mode == BK_MODE_FILL )
        pDC->FillSolidRect( m_rect, pDC->GetBkColor() ); 
    else if ( mode == BK_MODE_BMP )
        BITMAP bm;
        CDC dcMem;

        VERIFY(m_bmp_back_ground.GetObject(sizeof(bm), (LPVOID)&bm));
        CBitmap* bmp_old = (CBitmap*)dcMem.SelectObject( &m_bmp_back_ground ); 

        if ( m_bmp_tiled_mode )     // BitMap Tile Mode
            for ( int y = 0; y <= (m_v_size / bm.bmHeight); y++ )
                for ( int x = 0; x <= (m_h_size / bm.bmWidth); x++ )
                    pDC->BitBlt((x*bm.bmWidth) + m_h_offset, (y*bm.bmHeight) + m_v_offset,
                        bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, &dcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
        else  // BITMAP Stretch Mode
            pDC->StretchBlt( m_h_offset, m_v_offset, m_h_size, m_v_size, 
                &dcMem, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY );
        // CleanUp
        dcMem.SelectObject( bmp_old );
        ASSERT( 0 );  // Unknown BackGround Mode

// Draw TreeCtrl Items
void VividTree::DrawItems( CDC *pDC )
    // draw items
    HTREEITEM show_item, parent;
    CRect rc_item;
    CString name;
    COLORREF color;
    DWORD tree_style;
    BITMAP bm;
    CDC dc_mem;
    CBitmap *button;
    int count = 0;
    int state;
    bool selected;
    bool has_children;

    show_item = GetFirstVisibleItem();
    if ( show_item == NULL )

    color = pDC->GetTextColor();
    tree_style = ::GetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE ); 

        state = GetItemState( show_item, TVIF_STATE );
        parent = GetParentItem( show_item );
        has_children = ItemHasChildren( show_item ) || parent == NULL;
        selected = (state & TVIS_SELECTED) && ((this == GetFocus()) || 
                (tree_style & TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS));

        if ( GetItemRect( show_item, rc_item, TRUE ) )
            if ( has_children  || selected )
                COLORREF from;
                CRect rect;
                // Show 
                if ( selected )
                    from = m_gradient_bkgd_sel;
                    from = m_gradient_bkgd_to - (m_gradient_bkgd_from - m_gradient_bkgd_to);
                rect.top = rc_item.top;
                rect.bottom = rc_item.bottom;
                rect.right = m_h_size + m_h_offset;
                if ( !has_children )
                    rect.left = rc_item.left + m_h_offset;
                    rect.left = m_h_offset;
                GradientFillRect( pDC, rect, from, m_gradient_bkgd_to, FALSE );
                pDC->SetTextColor( RGB( 0, 0, 255 ) );

                if ( has_children )
                    // Draw an Open/Close button
                    if ( state & TVIS_EXPANDED )
                        button = &m_bmp_tree_open;
                        button = &m_bmp_tree_closed;
                    VERIFY(button->GetObject(sizeof(bm), (LPVOID)&bm));
                    CBitmap *bmp_old = (CBitmap*)dc_mem.SelectObject(button); 
                    pDC->BitBlt( rc_item.left - bm.bmWidth - 2, rc_item.top, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, 
                        &dc_mem, 0, 0, SRCAND );
                    // CleanUp
                    dc_mem.SelectObject( bmp_old );
            if ( !has_children )
                // lookup the ICON instance (if any) and draw it
                HICON icon;
                icon = GetItemIcon( show_item );
                if ( icon != NULL )
                    DrawIconEx( pDC->m_hDC, rc_item.left - 18, rc_item.top, icon, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL );
            name = GetItemText( show_item );
            rc_item.DeflateRect( 0,1,0,1 );
            if ( selected )
                if ( !has_children  )
                    pDC->SetTextColor( GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT) );
                COLORREF col = pDC->GetBkColor();
                pDC->SetBkColor( GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT) );
                pDC->DrawText( name, rc_item, DT_LEFT );
                pDC->SetTextColor( color );
                pDC->SetBkColor( col );
                pDC->DrawText( name, rc_item, DT_LEFT );
                pDC->SetTextColor( color );
            //if ( state & TVIS_BOLD )
            //  pDC->SelectObject( font );
    } while ( (show_item = GetNextVisibleItem( show_item )) != NULL );

void VividTree::SetBitmapID( UINT id )
    // delete any existing bitmap
    if (m_bmp_back_ground.GetSafeHandle())
    // add in the new bitmap
    VERIFY( m_bmp_back_ground.LoadBitmap( id ) ) ; 

// Determine if a referenced item is visible within the control window
bool VividTree::ItemIsVisible( HTREEITEM item )
    HTREEITEM scan_item;
    scan_item = GetFirstVisibleItem();
    while ( scan_item != NULL )
        if ( item == scan_item )
            return true;
        scan_item = GetNextVisibleItem( scan_item );
    return false;

// For a given tree node return an ICON for display on the left side.
// This default implementation only returns one icon.
// This function is virtual and meant to be overriden by deriving a class
// from VividTree and supplying your own icon images. 
HICON VividTree::GetItemIcon( HTREEITEM item )      

    return m_icon;  // default implementation - overridable

// If the background is a bitmap, and a tree is expanded/collapsed we
// need to redraw the entire background because windows moves the bitmap
// up (on collapse) destroying the position of the background.
void VividTree::OnTvnItemexpanding(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
    LPNMTREEVIEW pNMTreeView = reinterpret_cast<LPNMTREEVIEW>(pNMHDR);
    if ( GetBkMode() == VividTree::BK_MODE_BMP && ItemIsVisible( pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem ) )
        Invalidate();  // redraw everything
    *pResult = 0;


// VividTree.h : Definition of Class VividTree
// Copyright(C) 2005 Jim Alsup  All rights reserved
//              email: ja.alsup@gmail.com
// License: This code is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied 
//          warranty. You may use, or derive works from this file without
//          any restrictions except those listed below.
//        - This original header must be kept in the derived work.
//        - If your derived work is distributed in any form, you must
//          notify the author via the email address above and provide a 
//          short description of the product and intended audience.  
//        - You may not sell this code or a derived version of it as part of 
//          a comercial code library. 
//        - Offering the author a free licensed copy of any end product 
//          using this code is not required, but does endear you with a 
//          bounty of good karma.

#pragma once

#include "resource.h"

// Helper Routine
extern void GradientFillRect( CDC *pDC, CRect &rect, COLORREF col_from, 
COLORREF col_to, bool vert_grad );

class VividTree : public CTreeCtrl

    virtual ~VividTree();

// Attributes
    void SetBkGradients( COLORREF from, COLORREF to ){  m_gradient_bkgd_from = from; 
                                                        m_gradient_bkgd_to = to; }
    COLORREF GetBkGradientFrom( ){  return m_gradient_bkgd_from; }
    COLORREF GetBkGradientTo( ){ return m_gradient_bkgd_to; }

    BkMode GetBkMode( ) { return m_bkgd_mode; }
    void SetBkMode( BkMode bkgd_mode ) { m_bkgd_mode = bkgd_mode; }

    bool GetBitmapTiledMode() { return m_bmp_tiled_mode;}
    void SetBitmapTiledMode( bool tiled ) { m_bmp_tiled_mode = tiled; }
    void SetBitmapID( UINT id );

    bool GetGradientHorz() { return m_gradient_horz; }
    void SetGradientHorz( bool horz ) { m_gradient_horz = horz; } 

    virtual void  SetItemIcon( HICON icon ) { m_icon = icon; }; // Overridable
    virtual HICON GetItemIcon( HTREEITEM item ); // Overridable

// Operations
    bool ItemIsVisible( HTREEITEM item );

    COLORREF m_gradient_bkgd_from;      // Gradient variables
    COLORREF m_gradient_bkgd_to;
    COLORREF m_gradient_bkgd_sel;
    bool     m_gradient_horz;           // horz or vertical gradient

    BkMode  m_bkgd_mode;                // Current Background mode
    CBitmap m_bmp_back_ground;          // Background bitmap image
    CBitmap m_bmp_tree_closed;          // Tree open image (marker)
    CBitmap m_bmp_tree_open;            // Tree closed image (marker)
    bool    m_bmp_tiled_mode;           // Tile background image

    CRect m_rect;                       // The client rect when drawing
    int   m_h_offset;                   // 0... -x (scroll offset)
    int   m_h_size;                     // width of unclipped window
    int   m_v_offset;                   // 0... -y (scroll offset)
    int   m_v_size;                     // height of unclipped window

    HICON m_icon;

    void DrawBackGround( CDC* pDC );    // Background Paint code
    void DrawItems( CDC* pDC );  // Item Paint Code

    afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
    afx_msg void OnPaint();
    afx_msg void OnTvnItemexpanding(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult);

Original issue reported on code.google.com by Giggs...@gmail.com on 22 Nov 2013 at 7:57

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
    m_imageList.Create (32, 32, ILC_COLOR8|ILC_MASK  , 1,1);
    m_listctrl.SetImageList(&m_imageList, LVSIL_SMALL);
    //Add the bitmap to the ImageList 
    m_listctrl.InsertItem(0, L"XXXXXXX", 0);
    m_listctrl.InsertItem(1, L"XXXXXXX1", 0);
    m_listctrl.InsertItem(2, L"XXXXXXX2", 0);


Original comment by Giggs...@gmail.com on 22 Nov 2013 at 9:51

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago





Original comment by giggs...@freeborders.com on 23 Dec 2013 at 12:38