jackbsteinberg / std-toast

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add definition of toast, using quotes, etc. #30

Closed monico-moreno closed 5 years ago

monico-moreno commented 5 years ago

Given questions like in issue #26, added a definition to the readme to address these questions from the community.

domenic commented 5 years ago

This is great, thank you! Do you think maybe the last paragraph should reference the libraries researched in https://github.com/jackbsteinberg/std-toast/blob/master/study-group/ ?

monico-moreno commented 5 years ago

You're welcome! 😊

Changes made to reference the study group page. 👍

domenic commented 5 years ago

@edent, does this help? In my opinion, we should merge this to close #26 and make it clearer what the repository is about, but open a new issue to discuss whether "toast" is the best name. How does that sound to you?

edent commented 5 years ago

As you have screenshots, it would be great to include them on the readme. I realise the plural of anecdote is not data, but I had no idea what this was talking about until I saw images.

I'd suggest testing this readme with a few people unfamiliar with the nomenclature to see how else it can be approved.

domenic commented 5 years ago

Yeah, we've definitely heard the message loud and clear from the community on this. We'd so far only spoken to UI engineers or people who work on design systems, who were quite familiar; with the broader audience, we need to make things clearer.

monico-moreno commented 5 years ago

@domenic , @edent I added an animated gif that shows what a typical look-and-feel would be like.

domenic commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much @monico-moreno! I made some minor tweaks and will now merge this, then file a follow-up issue for folks to discuss naming.