jackc / pgx

PostgreSQL driver and toolkit for Go
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Memory Leak doing INSERT on High-Load service #2109

Open SwiftBike3317 opened 3 weeks ago

SwiftBike3317 commented 3 weeks ago

High Memory Allocation Leading to OOM Killers When Writing High RPS to PostgreSQL


I'm encountering an issue where my Golang service, which processes around 10,000 requests per second (RPS), is causing the container to eventually be terminated by the OOM killer due to high memory allocation that isn't being cleared effectively.

The service is designed to write all incoming data to a PostgreSQL database. After running for a while, memory usage increases steadily, and it seems that garbage collection isn't able to keep up, eventually leading to an out-of-memory (OOM) condition.

Current Implementation

  1. Data Handling:

    • Data is placed into a channel.
    • A worker pool is used to select data from this channel and insert it into PostgreSQL.
  2. Database Insertion:

    • I'm using the pgxpool package for managing database connections with the following settings:

      Db.Config().MaxConns = int32(25)
      Db.Config().MaxConnLifetime = 5 * time.Minute
      Db.Config().MaxConnIdleTime = 5 * time.Minute
    • Data insertion looks like this:

      _, err = c.Db.Exec(context.Background(), `
          INSERT INTO requestsB (id, at, data, currency, timestamp)
          VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
          ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE
          SET at = EXCLUDED.at,
              data = EXCLUDED.data,
              currency = EXCLUDED.currency,
              timestamp = EXCLUDED.timestamp`,
          request.ID, request.At, request.data, pq.Array(request.Cur), time.Now().UTC())
      if err != nil {
          return fmt.Errorf("error inserting into requests table: %v", err)
  3. Previous Attempts:

    • I attempted to mitigate the issue by increasing the maximum number of connections in postgresql.conf and insert after handling every request in separate goroutine .
    • I also tried to use tx, bulk insert and query, closing row after insert._

Observed Problem

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Deploy the Golang service with the above implementation.
  2. Generate a steady stream of requests (~10k RPS) to be processed by the service.
  3. Monitor memory usage over time until the container is terminated by the OOM killer.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior


Potential Solutions Considered

SwiftBike3317 commented 3 weeks ago

sorry, just asked ai to generate issue)