jackc / surus

PostgreSQL extensions for ActiveRecord
MIT License
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Support json has_many though relationships #35

Closed schpet closed 6 years ago

schpet commented 6 years ago

Supports two types of has_many through:

1) C has a b_id, B has a a_id

    class A < AR::Base
      has_many :bs
      has_many :cs, through: bs

    class B < AR::Base
      belongs_to :a
      has_many :cs

    class C < AR::Base
      belongs_to :b

2) B acts as a join table, similar to HABTM

    class A < AR::Base
      has_many :bs
      has_many :cs, through: bs

    class B < AR::Base
      belongs_to :a
      belongs_to :c

    class C < AR::Base

Fixes #15

schpet commented 6 years ago

Really appreciate this library! Was having trouble figuring out how to directly serve json from postgres and this really helped me out. Please let me know if there's anything I can add or change with this, it's my first time dipping into AR stuff 😨.

A big thanks, and happy October 🎃

jackc commented 6 years ago

Thanks! Looks good. I merged and released a new gem.