jackc / tern

The SQL Fan's Migrator
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replace sprig with sprout #101

Open abs3ntdev opened 2 weeks ago

abs3ntdev commented 2 weeks ago

switches from sprig to sprout

jackc commented 2 weeks ago

So Sprig isn't getting updated much anymore? 🤔 But sprout seems fairly new. I suppose we could move at some point, but I think I'd prefer to let sprout get more established before taking it on as a dependency.

elee1766 commented 2 weeks ago

sprig isn't getting updated, the bigger issue actually is https://github.com/Masterminds/sprig/pull/377 which is the affecting basically anyone using tern and another package that has updated merge.

and the replace directive doesn't work for packages which use go install

jackc commented 2 weeks ago

Hmmm.... I'm not opposed to moving eventually, but I'm wary of depending on such a new project. Since sprout is a compatible fork would it be possible for those who need it right away to use a replace directive in the go.mod file?

elee1766 commented 1 week ago

just tried, it's not working at least for my set of dependencies. (in fact, neither replace statements work for this repo, not even replacing mergo)

helm is still using sprig, and mattfarina seems to still be maintaining helm - so maybe he will run into the dependency issue at some point and update sprig. but there seems to be radio silence from him in regards to sprig, so who knows.

we run into the dependency issue in any repos that import both go-ethereum and tern, as a result of pebbledb using new mergo.

for now we're fine just keeping this open and are just doing

replace github.com/jackc/tern/v2 => github.com/abs3ntdev/tern/v2 v2.0.0-20240628025754-0e056b53ca03

in our repos where we are using tern.

we personally don't use any of the template features, so it's not a big deal for us, so maybe this is fine for now.