jackdang / Assignment1

This is my first assignment
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Assignment Feedback #1

Open gtamoro opened 7 years ago

gtamoro commented 7 years ago

FEWD Week #1 Project: HTML/CSS Basics


For the first assignment, you will begin creating the beginnings of your first website. Take what you've learned from class and build a portfolio site that showcases all of the projects you'll be completing over the next few weeks. Build two pages - an 'About Page' and a 'Portfolio' - that link to one another. Your 'About Page' should describe your mission and value proposition and your 'Portfolio' should include descriptions of the work you [will] do for Relaxr, Startup Matchmaker, and CitiPix.

Student: Jack

Excellent work here Jack you've shown a really sound understanding of the week 1 html and css principals we worked on!

Great attempt at applying clear indentation but just remember that a heading (h1,h2,h3 etc.) is not a parent container, so any items underneath a heading will be siblings, not children. And any hr is treated just like any other children in a section, so should be indented as such.

Note: as a general guide, use 2 or 3 spaces as a tab/indent, 4 spaces do tend to create really wide code. But this is just a guide, not a mandatory requirement.

Technical Requirements Does Not Meet Expectations (0) Meets Expectations (1) Exceeds Expectations (2)
Link both pages together using a tag 2
Use a unique title and a single unique h1 tag 2
Show images using img tags including unique alt attributes 2
Use an external CSS stylesheet to style your pages 2
Select at least 5 elements on the page and apply at least 5 different css properties to these elements 2
Use at least 6 different HTML tags on your pages 2
Indent nested elements to increase your code's readability 1
TOTAL: 13/14
jackdang commented 7 years ago

Thanks Grace for the feedback!