jackdclark / five

Gives you five
MIT License
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Please add support for seven #238

Open ansuz opened 8 years ago

ansuz commented 8 years ago

I really need seven.

Mason8r commented 8 years ago

My current workaround until this is implemented: five() + 2


What was i thinking?!?! I've refactored:

five() + ((five()/five()) + (five()/five()))

michalbe commented 8 years ago

@ansuz there is a seven support in the lib. In my projects, when I need non-five-integers I simply do:

var notFive = 7;

But I can't really find any production case where using not-fives could be useful. Maybe try to reconsider your implementation?

ansuz commented 8 years ago

thanks for the excellent advice @Mason8r and @michalbe! I may end up using both solutions as they each seem to have distinct advantages.

randoms commented 8 years ago

That's an interesting idea. If we use Lambda calculus, we actually don't need real numbers at all.

danpker commented 6 years ago

Have you tried doing it with 6?

michalbe commented 6 years ago

@danpker I believe my solution above will work with most integers.