jackdempsey / acts_as_commentable

The ActiveRecord acts_as_commentable plugin
MIT License
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Specify Rails version in Gemspec #49

Open mattconnolly opened 10 years ago

mattconnolly commented 10 years ago

Specifying which version of rails (e.g. "~> 3.2.0" for 3.0.1 and "~> 4.0.0" in 4.0.1) in the gem spec file would allow bundler to resolve which version of acts_as_commentable is appropriate for an application to use.

mattconnolly commented 10 years ago

acts_as_tree does this: https://github.com/amerine/acts_as_tree/blob/master/acts_as_tree.gemspec

jackdempsey commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the thoughts Matt. I'm happy to consider a patch. I don't have much time for OSS these days unfortunately.

mattconnolly commented 10 years ago

I'll send through a patch shortly. I'd like to offer a patch for the 3.0.1 version as well for the benefit of our rails 3.2 apps.

Can you please create a 3.x branch from the latest 3.0.1 gem release so I can make a pull request onto that?