jackdempsey / acts_as_commentable

The ActiveRecord acts_as_commentable plugin
MIT License
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ActiveRecord::Migration is not supported. #77

Open m-abdurrehman opened 3 years ago

m-abdurrehman commented 3 years ago

After adding gem and migration when I tried to run migration, it gives this error.

After specifying rails version error goes.

I think it should be solved on gem side

=> Working syntax class CreateComments < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] => Not Working syntax class CreateComments < ActiveRecord::Migration

rails aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:

Directly inheriting from ActiveRecord::Migration is not supported. Please specify the Rails release the migration was written for:

  class CreateComments < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2]

Caused by:
StandardError: Directly inheriting from ActiveRecord::Migration is not supported. Please specify the Rails release the migration was written for:

  class CreateComments < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2]
CloCkWeRX commented 1 year ago

I've forked this project to https://github.com/fatfreecrm/acts_as_commentable/ which should resolve this issue.