jackdesert / freecinc

A hosted solution for syncing your TaskWarrior client
MIT License
69 stars 3 forks source link

Handshake failed. Error in the certificate. #6

Closed thanateros closed 6 years ago

thanateros commented 6 years ago

task diagnostics output:

task 2.5.1
   Platform: Linux

    Version: 6.3.0 20170415
       Caps: +stdc +stdc_hosted +LP64 +c8 +i32 +l64 +vp64 +time_t64
 Compliance: C++11

Build Features
      CMake: 3.7.2
    libuuid: libuuid + uuid_unparse_lower
  libgnutls: 3.5.6
 Build type: None

       File: /home/nhxjhhh/.taskrc (found), 1979 bytes, mode 100664
       Data: /home/nhxjhhh/.task (found), dir, mode 40755
    Locking: Enabled
         GC: Enabled
     Server: www.freecinc.com:53589
         CA: /home/nhxjhhh/.task/freecinc_1155befe.ca.pem, readable, 3755 bytes
      Trust: strict
Certificate: /home/nhxjhhh/.task/freecinc_1155befe.cert.pem, readable, 3741 bytes
        Key: /home/nhxjhhh/.task/freecinc_1155befe.key.pem, readable, 25367 bytes
    Ciphers: NORMAL
      Creds: FreeCinc/freecinc_1155befe/************************************

     System: Enabled
   Location: /home/nhxjhhh/.task/hooks

      $TERM: screen-256color (245x72)
       Dups: Scanned 11 tasks for duplicate UUIDs:
             No duplicates found
 Broken ref: Scanned 11 tasks for broken references:
             No broken references found

I follow the instructions from the website to the letter; also, the diagnostic output above doesn't show any errors, all three .pem files are readable, Server and Creds are populated.

I have done this a handful of times on various systems (android, linux, windows) and I get the exact same error each time.

Huge fan of taskwarrior; would like to sync across my devices.

Before I go bang my head into a wall, I figured I would ask for help. What am I doing wrong?

I have this on a Digital Ocean droplet currently with port 53589 open.

jackdesert commented 6 years ago

I don't use taskwarrior anymore. You may be able to find help in #taskwarrior on freenode.

thanateros commented 6 years ago


I'm curious: what do you use nowadays for task tracking?

And: does that mean the freecinc service is defunct now?

jackdesert commented 6 years ago

I'm curious: what do you use nowadays for task tracking?

I track tasks in vim. Meaning I have a text file in this format:

* Get Bill to remove my old email address from his address book
* Send Kate a printer (or model number)
* Open Enrollment: THANKSGIVING (Technically Dec 15)
* Call Neuro places and find out which ones take self pay and what the cost is
* Taxes Monday
* Kick ASS on that horn

I scp this file to a server, where it is parsed by a webserver and viewable by my work cohorts as colored html. But it's sooooo easy to edit.

And: does that mean the freecinc service is defunct now?

Freecinc is still up and running, and apparently working for most folks (I think!) But I get an email or two a month from someone who can't perform an initial sync.

Freecinc is free software. Ideally someone will step up who wants to take over management of the site, or create a separate site using the same software.

jackdesert commented 6 years ago

You piqued my curiosity. I just installed taskwarrior 2.5.1 on my machine via apt-get, followed the instructions on freecinc.com to set up new keys, added one task, and performed inital sync. Like I said, "works for me", but people still write in occasionally to say it's not working for them.

And there's still a bot running in the amazon cloud that syncs with freecinc every minute (See source code at https://github.com/jackdesert/freecinc/blob/master/tools/restart_unless_sync.go ). If that sync fails twice in a row, it sends me an email and asks freecinc to restart the taskd service.

And when it goes down for any length of time, I get emails from real people. Which leads me to believe it's still up and running. But if someone wants to help out I'm ready to pass the reigns.

thanateros commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the insight into an alternative organizational work flow.

And thanks for verifying everything on the remote end; now I know for sure that I need to investigate my end. Maybe I have ufw issues.

Thanks again!