Plot the (sWeighted) Dalitz plane of the data Xic and Lc. In the MC decay models, no resonances are modeled (a plain phase space model is implemented). Especially for the Xi_c, this has not been looked at before. It will be interesting to see what resonances play a role in this decay.
In order to get all correlations in the selection (and its efficiency) correct in MC, perhaps reweigh the MC Dalitz plane to that found in the Data.
[ ] Make sPlot of Dalitz plane using high statistics data (i.e. no y,pt binned but full, and magup/down added), for Lc and Xic, and identify resonances. --> Depends on #12
[ ] Compare with the new Lc (run2) MC which has the Dalitz model, and also with the Xic (phase space) model.
(If required):
Make reweighting example (@jackfrost373 )
Create event-by-event dalitzWeights for MC by dividing data dalitz plane / MC dalitz plane, and using this as a look-up table, and then looping over the MC events.
Re-determine MC efficiency when applying the dalitzWeights.
Plot the (sWeighted) Dalitz plane of the data Xic and Lc. In the MC decay models, no resonances are modeled (a plain phase space model is implemented). Especially for the Xi_c, this has not been looked at before. It will be interesting to see what resonances play a role in this decay.
In order to get all correlations in the selection (and its efficiency) correct in MC, perhaps reweigh the MC Dalitz plane to that found in the Data.