Closed Kyran-C closed 5 years ago
Hi Kryan-C,
I agree that that would be useful but it would also increase number of custom highlight groups added by this plugin. With more of these highlight groups each with unique colors there is a higher chance that it will conflict with someone's color scheme.
So instead of changing the plugin's default behavior you can add these customizations to your vimrc:
# Highlight local variables Green
hi LspCxxHlSymFunctionVariable ctermfg=Green guifg=#00FF00 cterm=none gui=none
# Highlight statics Red
hi LspCxxHlSymUnknownStatic ctermfg=Red guifg=#FF0000 cterm=none gui=none
# Highlight globals Red with Bold text
hi LspCxxHlSymUnknownNone ctermfg=Red guifg=#FF0000 cterm=bold gui=bold
Thanks, I didn't know those highlight groups were available. I thought the default groups were the only ones available, but I just found the section in the docs that describes how the highlight groups work. I agree that the defaults should be minimal and allow users to configure things further if they wish.
Currently local, static and global variables all resolve to the hl group
but the language server is able to distinguish between them.Locals:
parentKind = Function
Static:parentKind = Unknown, storage = Static
Global:parentKind = Unknown, storage = None