jackguo380 / vim-lsp-cxx-highlight

Vim plugin for C/C++/ObjC semantic highlighting using cquery, ccls, or clangd
MIT License
336 stars 26 forks source link

Compatible with ALE #45

Open SethGower opened 3 years ago

SethGower commented 3 years ago

Currently there are a list of LSP clients that this works with, but ALE isn't supported. Would this be possible to add support for? I am not sure if it would be a change here or on ALE, and not sure I would know how to do so either way. Would this be a possible enhancement?

jackguo380 commented 3 years ago

Hi sorry for getting to this so late.

I have looked into ALE many times in the past to try to add support for it but generally have been unsuccessful. Although ALE is a pretty popular plugin I didn't look much further into it since I wasn't sure how many people actually used it as their only LSP client.

I'll probably give it shot again, but I suspect it would require changes to ALE in order for it to work so no promises.

SethGower commented 3 years ago

That's perfectly fine. I commented that when I first found this and was using ALE at the time. I have since converted to using CoC (and only CoC) instead of ALE + Deoplete, and really like it.

A thing I have noticed, and not sure if it is a problem with this plugin, so I don't want to create an issue about it, but the updated colors don't take affect until after I save the file. Which isn't a huge problem. They also break if I run clang-format on the file, so I need to save again to update colors.