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Miner's Familiar #102

Open jackhaydock opened 1 year ago

jackhaydock commented 1 year ago

Boon/character option that allows an elemental familar that can gain bonuses from material componensts used.

Scope has drifted beyond miner a little, either bring back or just drop the "miner" part

Miner's Familiar


When you cast the find familiar spell, you can have your familiar appear as an elemental.

Additionally, you can provide additional material components when you cast the spell to grant special traits to your familiar until you cast the spell again. These additional components are not consumed. You still decide the familiar's form and statistics, but it appears to be made of the same material as the provided component. Alternatively, it can appear to wear the material like armor. For example, if you provide iron and summon a crab, it might appear as a hermit crab living inside a hollow chunk of iron ore.

Consult the table below to determine the material components and the associated special trait.

Material Component Armor Class Special Trait
None 10 None
5lbs of Chitin, Clay, Coral, Enamel or Wood 11 None
5lbs of Mycoprotein, or other Fungus 11 The familiar can use an action release spores an disorient a creature within 5 feet, that breathes in the spores. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on its next attack roll or Wisdom check before the start of the familiar's next turn. The DC for this saving throw is equal to 10 + the familiar's proficiency bonus + the familiar's Constitution modifier.
5lbs of Bone, Fossils or Mummified Flesh 11 The familiar has resistance to necrotic damage. In addition, it has proficiency in the intimidation skill.
5lbs of Chitin, Hide or Scales from a creature of CR 5 or higher with a swimming speed. 11 The familiar gains a swimming speed equal to it's walking speed. If it already has a swimming speed, it increases by 10 feet.
5lbs of Chitin, Hide or Scales from a creature of CR 5 or higher with a climbing speed. 11 The familiar gains a swimming speed equal to it's walking speed. If it already has a swimming speed, it increases by 10 feet.
5lbs of limestone, granite or a similar common stone 12 None
Iron ore worth at least 100gp 13 None
Iron ore and coal worth a total of at least 200gp 15
Mithril ore worth at least 300gp 16 The familiar has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Adamantine ore worth at least 500gp 18 Any critical hit against the familiar becomes a normal hit. In addition, if the familiar makes an attack or delivers a spell attack against an object and hits, that hit becomes a critical hit.
Phosphorous ore worth at least 150gp 15 The familiar gains darkvision out to 60 feet and can see through magical darkness. In addition, the familiar can use an action to begin emitting dim light out to 10 feet for 1 minute. it can use a subsequent action to end this light.
Other Metallic Ore worth at least 100gp 15 Choose a damage type based on the primary metal or alloy found in the ore; acid (copper), cold (silver), fire (brass or gold) or lightning (bronze). The DM may choose other types for other metals or alloys. The familiar has resistance to the chosen type. In addition, if the familiar makes an attack or delivers a spell that deals damage, it can change the damage type to the chosen type.
Uncut Gemstone worth at least 200gp 15 Choose a damage type based on the primary gemstone found in the ore; force (amethyst), necrotic (topaz), radiant (diamond), psychic (emerald) or thunder (sapphire). The DM may choose other types for other gems. The familiar has resistance to the chosen type. In addition, if the familiar makes an attack or delivers a spell that deals damage, it can change the damage type to the chosen type.
20lbs of Dragon bone or scales 17 tbd, choose a type of dragon

Your DM may allow additional materials to be used to grant special traits. Work with your DM to determine the material component and the effect. Bismuth would be fun I think

This table can maybe be trimmed, especially if split into armor and type effects