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Diamondhead (Retainer) #123

Open jackhaydock opened 1 year ago

jackhaydock commented 1 year ago


Mentor would likely be bonnie (maybe gen?)


Medium Humanoid (Retainer) Armor Class 13 (Light Armor) Hit Points 7x Level (number of d8 Hit Die equal to their level) Speed 30ft.

10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throw Str +PB, Dex +1+PB, Con +PB, Int +3+PB, Wis +1+PB, Cha +PB Skills acrobatics + 1 plus PB perception +1 plus PB Damage Resistances poison, psychic Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 plus PB Languages understands common but does not speak? Challenge - Proficiency Bonus equals the mentor's bonus


Retainer. Diamondhead is a retainer, using the rules from page 9 of Flee Mortals! by MCDM Productions.

Spelljammer Pilot. Diamondhead can attune to and use spelljamming helms.

Simple Psionics. Diamondhead knows the mage hand cantrip. Intelligence is their spellcasting ability for it.

Unusual Nature. Diamondhead doesn't require air.


Signature Attack (Little Guy Slam). Melee Weapon Attack +3 plus PB to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 plus PB bludgeoning damage. Beginning at 7th level, diamondhead can make this attack twice, instead of once, when they take the Attack action on their turn. The attack also becomes magical.

7th Level: Little Guy Swarm (3/day). As an action, diamondhead forces each creature of their choice within 15 feet of them to make a DC 10 + PB Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, a creature takes PBd6 bludgeoning damage and is pushed 10 feet away from diamondhead. On a success, a creature takes half as much damage and is not pushed.

Bonus Actions

5th Level: Many Ship Hands (3/day). As a bonus action, diamondhead commands the little guys to load and aim a ship weapon on a ship diamondhead is touching. The next time an attack is made using the weapon before the start of diamondhead's next turn, the attack deals an additional PBd10 force damage on a hit.


3rd Level: Shield (3/day). When diamondhead, or a vehicle diamondhead is touching, is targeted by an attack, diamondhead can use a reaction to give the target a +5 bonus to its Armor Class until the start of diamondhead's next turn.

Discarded/Undecided Traits

Signature Attack (Little Guy Slam). Ranged Weapon Attack +3 plus PB to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 plus PB bludgeoning damage. Beginning at 7th level, diamondhead can make this attack twice, instead of once, when they take the Attack action on their turn. ignore cover? melee attack with 20ft reach instead?

3rd Level: Shield (3/day). As a bonus action, a vehicle that diamondhead is touching gains +5 bonus to its Armor Class until the start of diamondhead's next turn. Alternatively, this bonus can apply to diamondhead themself, rather than a vehicle. This could be a reaction, like the shield spell

Simple Psionics. Diamondhead knows the mage hand cantrip. Intelligence is their spellcasting ability for it.

7th Level: Little Guy Swarm (3/day). As an action, diamondhead forces each creature of their choice within 15/20 feet of them to make a DC 10/12 + PB Strength saving throw. On a fail, a creature takes PBd6 bludgeoning/force damage and has their speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of diamondhead's next turn. On a success, a creature takes half as much damage and suffers no other effects.