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AnS Retainers #126

Open jackhaydock opened 10 months ago

jackhaydock commented 10 months ago

Retainer statblocks for the AnS party

tbd Egil's Retainer

Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Retainer) Armor Class 13 (light armour) Hit Points Eight times their level (number of d10 hit dice equal to their level) Speed 30ft

10 16 12 10 12 10

Saving Throws Str +PB, Dex +PB, Con +PB, Int +PB, Wis +PB, Cha +PB Skills Acrobatics +3 plus PB, Stealth +3 plus PB Damage Resistances Poison Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Common, Dwarvish

Dwarven Resilience. tbd has advantage on saving throws against poison.

Retainer. tbd is a retainer, as described in Flee Mortals by MCDM Productions.

Fletcher. tbd is a follower of Tresmed and has proficiency with Woodcarver's Tools.


Signature Attack. Ranged Weapon Attack +3 plus PB to hit, range150/600 ft. one target. Hit: 1d8 plus PB piercing damage. Beginning at 7th level, tbd can make this attack twice, instead of once, when they take the Attack action on their turn.

5th Level: Special Shot (5/day): tbd makes a signature attack against all creatures in a 20-foot cone or a 30-foot line. (note if there's a ridiculous number of targets I might just use one attack roll for time's sake)

7th Level: Arrowsmith (3/day) tbd turns an arrow into a random common or uncommon trick arrow. The arrow remains magical until it is used, or until the next dawn.

7th Level: Primal's Awareness (3/day) For the next minute, tbd can sense whether the following types of creatures are present within 1 mile of them: aberrations, beasts, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn't reveal the creatures' location or number.

7th Level: Prince of Archers (3/day). tbd

Bonus Actions

3rd Level: Acrobatic Archer (3/day): As a bonus action, tbd jumps 5xPB feet without provoking opportunity attacks. During this jump, tbd can make a signature attack. If tbd is above the target, this attack has advantage. On a hit, this attack deals PB extra damage.

7th Level: Nature's Veil (3/day) tbd becomes invisible until the start of their next turn.

7th Level: Hunter's Mark (5/day) When tbd hits a creature with an attack roll, they can mark the target for up to an hour, or until they lose concentration (as if concentration on a spell). For the duration, attacks tbd makes against the target deal an additional 1d6 damage and tbd has advantage on ability checks to locate or track the target.

tbd Ikki's Retainer

Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Retainer) Armor Class 15 (Medium Armor) Hit Points Eight times their level (number of d10 hit dice equal to their level) Speed 30ft

16 10 10 10 12 12

Saving Throws Str +PB, Dex +PB, Con +PB, Int +PB, Wis +PB, Cha +PB Skills Religion +1 plus PB, Intimidation +1 plus PB Damage Resistances Poison Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Common, Dwarvish

Dwarven Resilience. tbd has advantage on saving throws against poison.

Retainer. tbd is a retainer, as described in Flee Mortals by MCDM Productions.

tbd, Herald?. tbd is a follower of Skjalver, and has proficiency in tbd performance/caligrapher's supplies


Signature Attack (Longshoreman's Hook). Melee Weapon Attack +3 plus PB to hit, reach 5 ft. one target. Hit: 2d4 plus PB piercing damage. tbd can forgo damage to force the target to make a Strength saving throw against the attack roll or become prone. Beginning at 7th level, tbd can make this attack twice, instead of once, when they take the Attack action on their turn.

3rd Level: Death Smite (5/day). tbd makes a signature attack, dealing an additional PBd6 necrotic damage on a hit.

5th Level: Fear of Death (3/day). tbd chooses PB creatures that they can see within 30 feet. Each creature must make a DC 10 plus PB Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of tbd for 1 minute (save ends at end of turn). tbd has advantage on attack rolls against creatures frightened by them.


7th Level: Bolstering Aura (5/day). When a creature tbd can see within 30 feet makes a saving throw, tbd can use a reaction to grant them a PB bonus to the saving throw.

tbd magnus's Retainer

Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Retainer) Armor Class 15 (Medium Armour) Hit Points Eight times their level (number of d10 hit dice equal to their level) Speed 30ft

12 10 12 10 16 10

Saving Throws Str +PB, Dex +PB, Con +PB, Int +PB, Wis +PB, Cha +PB Skills Nature +3 plus PB, Survival +3 plus PB Damage Resistances Poison Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Common, Dwarvish

Dwarven Resilience. tbd has advantage on saving throws against poison.

Retainer. tbd is a retainer, as described in Flee Mortals by MCDM Productions.

Brewer. tbd is a follower of Olga, and has proficiency in brewer's supplies.


Signature Attack (Thorn/Grapevine/Hopvine Whip). Melee Spell Attack +3 plus PB to hit, reach 30 ft. one target. Hit: 1d6 piercing damage. If the target is Large or smaller, it is pulled 10 feet towards tbd. Beginning at 7th level, the damage of this attack increases to 2d6.

5th Level: Magic Drinks (3/day). tbd casts one of the following spells at 2nd-level; cure wounds, entangle, goodberry, lesser restoration, protection from poison. Wisdom is their spellcasting ability, and these spells often take forms associated with drinking and feasting. For example, goodberry might appear as small drinks while entangle might appear as hop vines or spectral feasters.

7th Level: Volatile Beverages (3/day). tbd, alchemist fire

7th Level: Action Surge (1/day). tbd takes one additional action on the current turn.

Bonus Actions

3rd Level: Skinchange (3/day). As a bonus action, tbd transforms into a more bestial form, gaining two of the following effects for the next hour, or until they are reduced to 0 hit points: