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Swordtober52 2024 #133

Open jackhaydock opened 7 months ago

jackhaydock commented 7 months ago

1: Hunter's Bow

Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement)

This longbow features a crystal inset just below the grip. While aiming the weapon, the crystal projects a colored beam of light only you can see along the arrow's prospective path.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Additionally, this weapon has 3 charges, and regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn. As a bonus action, you can expend a charge to cast the hunter's mark spell. When to make an attack roll against the target of the spell using this weapon, you gain a 1d4 bonus to the attack roll.

This weapon was created as part of Swordtober52 2024 based on the following prompt: Hunt

2: Knife Whip

Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement)

This whip appears to have a knife tied to the end. Not only does the knife not appear to hinder the balance and motion of the whip, but it spins violently, creating a whirlwind of danger.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Additionally, whenever you roll a 20 or a 1 on your attack roll with this weapon, the knife spins violently. On a 20, you can make an additional attack against the target. On a 1, you must make an additional attack against yourself. Either way, the additional attack is made using this weapon and does not trigger further additional attacks.

This weapon was created as part of Swordtober52 2024 based on the following prompt: Slice

3: Brick Maul

Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement)

The maul's head appears as a colorful brick made of a strange inorganic material.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Additionally, when you finish a short or long rest, you can summon a special attachment for the weapon. Until the end of your next short or long rest, the weapon gains one of the following effects of your choice:

This weapon was created as part of Swordtober52 2024 based on the following prompt: Lego

4: Splashing Sling

Weapon (sling), rare (requires attunement)

The cradle of this sling appears to always be full of an acidic slime that coats bullets placed inside it.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Additionally, when you hit a creature with an attack using this weapon, the target and creatures within 5 feet of it take 1d6 acid damage. If the hit was a critical hit, this damage increases to 2d6.

This weapon was created as part of Swordtober52 2024 based on the following prompt: Splash

5: Selach Sabre

Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)

This heavy single-edged blade features an array of shark teeth along the back of the blade and the guard and pommel resemble shark fins and tail.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

While attuned, you gain the following benefits:

This weapon was created as part of Swordtober52 2024 based on the following prompt: Fish

6: Morning Hit

Weapon (warhammer), rare (requires attunement)

This weapon at appears to be a coffee pot affixed to a staff.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Additionally, this weapon has 7 charges, and regains 1d6+1 charges daily at dawn. As an action, you can spend 1 charge to produce coffee, granting 2d6 temporary hit points to a creature who drinks it. You can also spend 3 charges to cast the haste spell on a creature you touch with the weapon.

This weapon was created as part of Swordtober52 2024 based on the following prompt: Coffee

7: Cat Burglar's Knife

Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

This small, curved knife features a cat's head pommel that occasionally purrs and spits up hairballs.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Additionally, as an action, you can command the cat's head to spit up a tiny nonmagical item; 5 candles, 10 feet of fine wire, Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000), a bell, a copper coin, or a set of Thieves' Tools, The item lasts for 1 hour, or until you use this action again, after which it vanishes.

Finally, you can cut through up to one inch of glass without shattering it as the blade purrs.

This weapon was created as part of Swordtober52 2024 based on the following prompt: Cat

8: Spacewalk Sword

Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)

The blade of this weapon is composed of folding blue panels. The hilt is composed of rubber rings and features 9 tiny jets pointing in multiple directions, 4 on the guard and 5 on the pommel.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Additionally, you can cast air bubble spell at will. Finally, while weightless, underwater or under the effects of the levitate spell, you have a swimming and flying speed equal to your walking speed.

9: Balloon Sword

Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)

deals psychic rather than slashing

This inflated tube is twisted into a shape vaguely resembling a sword. It appears harmless.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Additionally, this weapon deals an additional 3d6 damage when you hit a space clown or a creature wielding another balloon sword. At the DM's discretion, this extra damage might also apply when you hit creatures and objects that are illusory or mental contructs, such as tbd or those that might appear in dreams.

9: Balloon Sword alt

Simple Melee Weapon, rare (requires attunement) 1 psychic damage Light, Finese

deals psychic rather than slashing

This inflated tube is twisted into a shape vaguely resembling a sword. It appears harmless.

You have a +2 bonus to attack rolls using this weapon.

Additionally, this weapon deals an additional 3d6 damage when you hit a space clown or a creature wielding another balloon sword. At the DM's discretion, this extra damage might also apply when you hit creatures and objects that are illusory or mental contructs, such as tbd or those that might appear in dreams.

9: Balloon Sword alt

Simple Melee Weapon, rare (requires attunement) 0 damage Light, Finesse

This inflated tube is twisted into a shape vaguely resembling a sword. While mostly harmless, this weapon is surprisingly effective against those that create them and against targets of the imagination.

You have a +2 bonus to attack rolls using this weapon.

On a hit, this weapon deals no damage, however, spells and magic effects that would allow a weapon to deal additional damage on a hit, such as thunderous smite or holy weapon, can still be used with this weapon. If such an effect does not specify a type, the extra damage is psychic.

When you hit a space clown or a creature wielding another balloon sword with an attack using this weapon, the attack deals an additional 3d6 psychic damage. At the DM's discretion, this extra damage can also apply to creatures and objects that are illusory or are of the mind, such as tbd or those in dreams.

10: Feather Cutlass

Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)

The hand guard and blade of this cutlass bear the shape of curved feathers and appear to made of a silvery metal.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

This weapon has x charge and regains xdx charges daily at dawn. When you hit with an attack using this weapon, you can expend a charge to move the target up to 20 feet upwards or to grant yourself a flying speed equal to your walking speed until the end of your current turn.

11: Raccoon Pipe Tomahawk

Weapon (handaxe), rare (requires attunement)

This pipe tomahawk features a bearded head that curved into a hook. The handle features a furry black and grey sleeve that resembles a raccoon tail.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

hooked property

Over the course of a minute, you can smoke the pipe and cast the pass without trace spell without providing a spell slot or material components. Additionally, you can use a bonus action to extend or retract the handle. While extended, the weapon has the reach and two-handed properties and you can pick u tiny items within the weapon's reach by using the hook.

12: Springhander

Weapon (greatsword), rare (requires attunement)

This zweihander has a large spring between guards. Bizarrely, this does not seem to hinder the weapon's effectiveness, rather, it seems to enhance.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Reach property

Additionally, when you miss a melee weapon attack using this weapon, the blade can spring back to hit others. You can choose to immediately make another attack against a different creature within your reach. Once you make this additional attack, you can not do so again for one hour.

13: Katana of Single Combat

Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)

This elegant katana features a gold habaki in the shape of a hand pointing in the direction of the blade.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

This weapon has 5 charges, and regains 1d5 charges daily at dawn. As a bonus action, you can expend a charge to cast compelled duel (DC 15). Damage from the target does not break your concentration on this spell. For the spell's duration attack rolls against either you or the target that do not come from either you or the target also have disadvantage.

Additionally, if you have the Fighting Spirit feature from the Samurai Archetype of the Fighter class, you can use that feature with the same bonus action you use to cast the spell.

14: Weapon of the Sidekick

Weapon (`variant- melee weapon), rare (requires attunement by a Retainer)

This weapon is an enhanced version of a training weapon...wip

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

While attuned to this weapon, a retainer and their mentor can telepathically communicate whilst within 1 mile of each other.

Additionally, when the retainer's mentor damages a creature the retainer can see within this weapon's reach, the retainer can use a reaction to make a special opportunity attack against that creature using this weapon.


Retainers are non-player characters that support the player character and are featured in Strangholds and Followers and Flee Mortals! by MCDM Productions. At the DM's discretion, this weapon can be used by any character with a close bond to a particular player character, who is treated as their mentor for the purposes of this weapon. A character with the sidekick class might be an appropriate example.

15: Oar of Three Rivers

Weapon (quarterstaff), rare (requires attunement)

At first glance, this weapon might seem like a simple wooden oar, and it can certainly be used as one, however, there is more to it.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

While attuned to this weapon, you can cast shape water at will. You can also cast spectral crew as a ritual. When you do so, the speed of the vehicle increased by 10 feet when it moves with its oars.

16: Magic 8-Ball

Weapon, rare (requires attunement) 1d8 Bludgeoning Thrown

This ceramic ball is filled with opaque ink, in which floats a die that is often used to answer questions or predict the future, however, it can also be used as an effective bludgeon.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

You can use this weapon to cast the augry spell as an action. Once you do so, you cannot do so again until the next dawn.

Finally, once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using this weapon, you can choose to roll a d8 and consult the table below for an additional effect. If the attack was a critical hit, you may roll two d8s and choose which one to use. d8 Effect
1 The target is hampered until the start of your next turn.
2 The attack deals an additional 2 force damage.
3 The target cannot make opportunity attacks until the end of its next turn.
4 The attack deals an additional 4 force damage.
5 The target must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
6 The attack deals an additional 6 force damage.
7 The ball ricochets towards another creature of your choice within 20 feet of you, even on a melee attack. Make an additional attack against the second creature. Hit or miss, the ball then returns to your hand.
8 The attack deals an additional 8 force damage.

17: Blade of Centuries

Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)

This single edged sword bears engravings along the blunt edge. The markings resemble a timeline, showing the many battles this blade has particpated in across multiple centuries, especially those in which the wielder slew, or was slain by, their opponent. New such markings are occasionally added when the blade deems it worthy of record. The language and script used is archaic and unreadable to most, however, at the DM's discretion, a creature might be able to decipher the text. The DM decide's what known language it most resembles.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

Additionally, you have advantage on Intelligence (History) checks. If the check relates to an event mentioned on the blade's timeline (determined by the DM), you have an additional +2 bonus to the check.

Finally, when you hit a creature with this weapon (this can include yourself) you can cast either legend lore or modify memory (DC 15) against the target. If you cast modify memory, text describing the true version of events is inscribed on the blade as part of its timeline. If you cast legend lore, you may only ask about something in the target's past. Once you cast either spell, you cannot cast either spell again until the next dawn. You cannot cast the same spell against the same creature more than once using this weapon.

18: Mourningstar

Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement)

This skull shaped morningstar appears to be constantly emiting a faint, deathly mist and occasionaly faint wails of long dead spirits can be heard.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

In addition, attacks with this weapon deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.

Fianlly, when you use this weapon to kill a creature with a CR or level of 5 or higher, the weapon gains 1 charge (to a maximum of 5 charges). As an action, you can expend 3 or more charges to cast the Summon Undead spell. The spell is cast at a level equal to the number of charges expended and has a save DC of 17 and an attack bonus of +9. The spirit might resemble a creature you have previously killed with the weapon, though it is clearly undead.

19: Stormrod Mace

Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement)

This weapon resembles a brass lightning rod and has a glass or ceramic jar afixed below the rubber handle.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

This weapon has 7 charges, and regains 1d6+1 charges daily at dawn. If you take lightning damage while holding the weapon, you use a reaction to have the weapon regain 1 expended charge. If the weapon is struck by non-magical lightning, it immediately regains all expended charges.

When you hit a creature with an attack using this weapon, you can expend any number of charges to do one or more of the following effects, you cannot do any effect more than once for the same attack:

If you expend the weapon's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the jar explodes. You can also willingly explode the jar by smashing it as an action. When the jar explodes, all creatures within 10 feet must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 lightning damage and the weapon ceases to be magical. A creature takes half damage on a successful save.

20: Mythology


21: Mirror Blade

Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

This broken hand mirror appears to have been sharpened into a dagger. Looking at the the mirrored blade always shows your own reflection, though faint, regardless of the angle. The reflected you is not quite the same, the same physical expression but the eyes seem to betray different emotions entirely.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

This weapon has 3 charges, and regains 1 expended charge for each hour you spend staring at your reflection within it. This can be done as part of a short or long rest. When you are hit by a spell attack while holding this weapon, you can use a reaction to reduce the damage you take from that attack by 3d10. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can expend a charge as part of the same reaction to force the attacker to make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take the damage equal to the amount you reduced. The damage type is the same as the original attack.

22: Duckwing Shotgun

Weapon (musket), rare (requires attunement)

Not unlike a duckfoot pistol, this firearm features multiple barrels, however, they are not arranged horizontaly but vertically and can fan out much like a duck's wing. While you'd expect such a weapon to be severely impractical, it somehow isn't and is an imposing site on the battlefield to boot.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

You ignore the loading property of this weapon due to the multiple barrels of this weapon.

In additon, this weapon has 5 charges, and regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn. When you take the Attack action, you can expend up to 3 charges and replace one of the attack with a special attack from this weapon, firing multiple vertically stacked barrels at once. Choose a 10-foot-radius, 30-foot-high cylinder centered on a point you can within 60 feet. Each creature within that area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 piercing damage for each charge expended. If a creature that fails the saving throw is flying, they also fall prone. On a success, a creature takes half damage and does not fall prone.

22: Duck-Billed Blastypus/Blunderbuss

Weapon (pistol), rare (requires attunement)

This firearm features a bizare duckbill shaped barel extension. Some firearms use similar tube -like devices to suppress the noise of their shots, however, this weapon also replaces said noise with an extremely loud duck quack.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls using this weapon.

This weapon has 7 charges, and regains 1d6 charges daily at dawn. When you make an attack with this weapon, hit or miss, you can expend a charge as a bonus action to cast one of the following spells (DC 17); animal friendship (aquatic birds only), cause fear or tasha's hideous laughter. The target of the spell must be be able to hear the weapon but it needn't be the target of the triggering attack.