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Triplet Retainer 7th-Level features #135

Open jackhaydock opened 4 months ago

jackhaydock commented 4 months ago


7th Level: Arcane Arrowsmith (3/Day). Using woodcarver's tools, bomber touches a nonmagical arrow, and transforms it into a trick arrow of his choice from the following list; emetic arrow, enlarging arrow, entrapping arrow, forceful arrow, shielding arrow, shrinking arrow or smoking arrow. The arrow remains magical until used, or until the next dawn. The arrow can be used by other creatures. At the DM's discretion, Bomber can learn to produce other types of uncommon trick arrows. For example, he might find a new type of trick ammunition and study it over the course of a long rest, adding it to the list above at the end of the rest.

7th-Level: Mark Target (3/Day). When Bomber hits a creature with his Signature Attack, he can use a bonus action to mark the target. The next time an attack is made against a marked target within the next minute by a creature other than Bomber, the attack roll has advantage. On a hit, the attack deals an additional PBd4 damage. The mark is removed early if Bomber uses this feature again.

7th Level: Nature's Veil (3/day). Bomber becomes invisible until the start of their next turn.

7th Level: Primal Awareness (3/day). For the next minute, Bomber can sense whether the following types of creatures are present within 1 mile of them: aberrations, beasts, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn't reveal the creatures' location or number.

7th Level: Prince of Archers (3/day). When Egil uses Sneak Attack against a creature Bomber can see within 60 feet, Bomber can use a reaction to immediately make a Signature Attack against that creature. On a hit, this attack deals PB extra damage. giving them reactions based on their mentors is cute but does mean they can't be used with a split party


7th-Level: Action Surge (1/day). Gomber takes an additional action.

7th-Level: Charge (3/day). Gomber briefly shifts his form and charges up to 30 feet in a straight line. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks and can pass through the space of other creatures. Each creature who's space you pass through must make a Strength saving throw (DC 10 + PB) or take PBd6 bludgeoning damage and fall prone. On a success, a creature takes half damage and does not fall prone.

7th-Level: Elemental Skinchange (1/day). Gomber uses Skinchange without consuming a use of that trait. When they do so, Gomber's form takes on more elemental traits along with the bestial ones. Gomber's creature type becomes elemental and he gains one of the following additional traits for the duration of the form:

A bit much, it also doesn't make a lot of sense for gomber to know how the whole elemental beast stuff works. This is probably better as a potential quest reward way in the future

7th-Level: Putrid Belch (3/day). Gomber lets out an intoxicating belch. Creatures within 10 feet of Gomber must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 10 +PB) or become poisoned for 1 minute (save ends at end of turn).

7th-Level: Superior Drinks (3/day). some 3rd level drink spells tidal wave of beer?

7th-Level: Barbarous Beast (3/day). When Magnus uses Reckless Attack and hits a creature Gomber can see within 60 feet, Gomber can use a reaction to...tbd giving them reactions based on their mentors is cute but does mean they can't be used with a split party


7th Level: Bolstering Aura (3/Day). When a creature Somber can see within 30 feet makes a saving throw, Somber can use a reaction to grant them a PB bonus to the saving throw.

7th-Level: Medical Ink (3/day). Over the course of a minute, Somber can tend their wounds, marking them with special inks that enable them to close and heal quicker. Somber regains PBd6 hit points.

7th-Level: A Gift for Her (3/day). When a creature Somber can see within 15 feet dies, Somber can use a reaction to either regain 1d10+PB hit points or make a Signature Attack with advantage against a creature within reach.

7th-Level: Our Battle will be Legendary! (3/day). As a bonus action, Somber chooses a creature they can see within 30 feet and challenges them to a duel. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 10+PB) or become taunted by Somber for 1 minute. While the target is taunted, Somber deals an additional PB damage with weapon attacks against them and if Somber reduces them to 0 hit points, Somber gains inspiration or PBd4 temporary hit points (Somber's choice). The condition ends early if Somber attacks another creature, is ever more than 60 feet away from the target, uses this feature again, or if a creature other than Somber damages the target.

7th-Level: Contrastng Divinity (3/day). When Ikki deals radiant damage to, or restores hit points to, a creature Somber can see within 60 feet, Somber can use a reaction to deal 1d8+PB necrotic damage to that creature, or regain 1d8+PB hit points (Somber's choice). giving them reactions based on their mentors is cute but does mean they can't be used with a split party