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Downtime Activity: Smuggling #88

Open jackhaydock opened 1 year ago

jackhaydock commented 1 year ago

Activity to smuggle objects and creatures (either for profit or rescuing)


TODO: consider rules for smuggling stuff *into* places

Downtime Activity: Smuggling

Characters may wish to secretly move items or creatures. They could wish to quietly acquire weapons to aid arm an upcoming revolution, they might be moving prisoners or slaves to freedom, or they may just be trying to make quick money by stealing valuable goods to fence.

The DM determines if a smuggling operation is feasible, generally a smuggling attempt requires the following:

The character must spend at least four workweeks and at least 50gp planning, scouting and preparing for the smuggling attempt. At the end of this duration, the character can make the attempt.

The character must make three checks. The DM decides the skills used for the checks, each check must use a different skill. Common skills used for smuggling may include Charisma (Deception), Dexterity (Stealth) or Wisdom (Survival). The DM may also request a spellcasting ability check in place of one of these skills if they are using spells to assist their smuggling, the character is proficient with this check. The DM also decides the DC for these checks, consult the Smuggling Difficulty table as a guide for setting the DC. Once the checks are made, consult the Smuggling Results table to see the outcome of the attempt.

Smuggling Difficulty

Objects or creatures being smuggled DC
Smuggling a creature. 8
Each additional creature. +2
Each creature that is unwilling or does not see you as friendly. +5
Each creature larger than medium. +5 for each size category above Medium.
Each creature in high security situation, such as a cell or under guard. +5
Smuggling an object. 5
Each additional object +1
Each object larger than small. +5 for each size category above Small.
Each object that is worth more than 500gp. +5

WIP, maybe just remove and let DM figure it out

Smuggling Results

Result Outcome
0 Successes TBD, jail?
1 Success The operation is aborted or fails, but remains undiscovered.
2 Successes The operation is a partial success. Roll on the complications table (in addition to any other complications rolls).
3 Successes The operation goes smoothly, and the items or creatures are successfully smuggled.

Optional: Smuggling for Profit

Some characters may have greater motives for smuggling, others might just be in it for money. WIP


Smuggling is risky business and complications happen. There's a 10 percent chance for every smuggling attempt that a complication occurs. If one does, roll on the Smuggling Complications table (or create a complication of your own).

Smuggling Complications

d6 Complication
1 One or more people discover the attempt, and you must expend 2d4x10gp to bribe, blackmail or dispose of them. If you fail to do so, treat the attempt as if you rolled 1d2-1 successes.
2 Some of the items or creatures go missing. Some mechanical effect?
3 The missing items or creatures lead to increased security. The DC for further smuggling checks for the next 1d4x4 workweeks are increased by 5.
4 Your contacts go quiet for a while following the attempt, you must spend at least 2 workweeks to re-establish contact or find a new contact before making any further smuggling attempts.
5 Your incompetence or negligence is blamed for the missing items or creatures. You may lose respect and access to other important items or creatures.
6 Excuses you make to keep the smuggling secret end up offending an ally or colleague.
jackhaydock commented 1 year ago

Want to be careful to avoid implying that the players are engaging in human trafficking, the smuggling of people is likely more of an underground railroad or prison break situation. Maybe just straight don't allow unwillingly creatures, and assume anything like that should be an active quest rather than downtime.