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Robe of the Desert #92

Open jackhaydock opened 1 year ago

jackhaydock commented 1 year ago

Desert robe that grant sand powers

Robe of the Desert

wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This lightweight beige or tan robe can be worn with armor. The loose cloth around the shoulders can be formed into a simple hood and face mask, protecting the wearer from the elements. The many folds and creases of the robe seem to hold a small yet endless quantity of sand that gets everywhere.

While attuned to this robe, you are resistant to fire damage and have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks in sandy terrain.

The robe has 10 charges, it regains 1d10 charges daily at dawn. If you spent at least half of the previous day wearing the robe in a hot desert, it regains an additional 2 charges at dawn.

As an action, you can expend up to 3 charges to cast one of the following spells (save DC 16) without providing material components: mold earth, gust, color spray, cloud of daggers, dust devil, gust of wind, leomund's tiny hut or wall of sand

The number of charges expended is equal to the level the spell is cast at (no charges required for a cantrip). When cast in this way, each of these spells resembles sand or sandstone in someway. For example, cloud of daggers might be a flurry of floating sand and glass shards, while leomund's tiny hut might appear to have the color and texture of sandstone from the outside.

Additionally, when a creature fails a saving throw against one of these spells, you can expend a charge to blind them until the end of their next turn.