jackhumbert / pinebook-pro-keyboard-updater

A keyboard/touchpad firmware and updater for the Pinebook Pro
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Return privacy switches status in output from `lsusb -v` #10

Open Lady-Galadriel opened 4 years ago

Lady-Galadriel commented 4 years ago

If possible, can you return the status of the privacy switches in the output of lsusb -v?

They can probably be combined into a single byte, as a bit mask if it's easier on the USB side. Like this;

Bit 0 - F10 Bit 1 - F11 Bit 2 - F12

This can be helpful trouble shooting if a user says their microphone does not work. They claim it's enabled, and we can confirm that from the output of lsusb -v.

Lady-Galadriel commented 4 years ago

Another way to look at the issue, is another key press. Like Pine-F1 returns the current state of all 3 privacy switches, in sequence, (without flashing the LEDs, since that would probably be confusing).