jackhumbert / pinebook-pro-keyboard-updater

A keyboard/touchpad firmware and updater for the Pinebook Pro
78 stars 11 forks source link

Step-2 fails on ISO device with Verify mismatch #18

Open clouddistortion opened 4 years ago

clouddistortion commented 4 years ago

Hi @jackhumbert

sorry that I am reposting this here but I haven't got any feedback for my broken touchpad in the other forums/github projects. I am looking for a way on somehow getting my touchpad back working again. Even resetting to factory firmware would be a better option than having no touchpad at all.

I got an ISO device running Manjaro 20.x. Unfortunately running step-2 resolves in the following errors:


[kevin@pine pinebook-pro-keyboard-updater]$ sudo ./updater step-2 iso
Running STEP-2...
[*] Flashing touchpad firmware...
[*] Opening in touchpad mode
>>> Trying to open VID:258a PID:001f...
>>> Verify mismatch: type=f2, pass=e2, received=d2
>>> Verify mismatch: type=f2, pass=e2, received=d2
>>> Verify mismatch: type=f2, pass=e2, received=d2
>>> Touchpad verify (type=242, pass=226) data failed
>>> Touchpad erase failed
>>> release interface

Same error was reported on: https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=8875 but no solution worked for me so far.

Step 1 log

Running STEP-1...
[*] Flashing keyboard updater firmware...
>>> Fix hex file
[*] Opening in user mode...
>>> Trying to open VID:258a PID:001e...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:258a PID:001f...
>>> Kernel Driver Active
[*] Sending command to switch to boot mode...
[*] Command send
>>> release interface
[*] Opening in boot mode
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Device not found
>>> Trying to open VID:0603 PID:1020...
>>> Kernel Driver Active
[*] Erasing flash
[*] Writing firmware...
>>> USB: write_block_start (length=14336)
>>> USB: write_block (offset=0, length=2048)
>>> USB: write_block (offset=2048, length=2048)
>>> USB: write_block (offset=4096, length=2048)
>>> USB: write_block (offset=6144, length=2048)
>>> USB: write_block (offset=8192, length=2048)
>>> USB: write_block (offset=10240, length=2048)
>>> USB: write_block (offset=12288, length=2048)
>>> USB: write_block_start (length=14336)
>>> USB: write_block (offset=0, length=2048)
[*] Reading back firmware...
>>> USB: read_block_start (length=14336)
>>> USB: read_block (offset=0, length=2048)
>>> USB: read_block (offset=2048, length=2048)
>>> USB: read_block (offset=4096, length=2048)
>>> USB: read_block (offset=6144, length=2048)
>>> USB: read_block (offset=8192, length=2048)
>>> USB: read_block (offset=10240, length=2048)
>>> USB: read_block (offset=12288, length=2048)
[*] Comparing firmwares...
[*] Reseting device?
[*] Finished succesfully!
>>> release interface
[*] Please reboot now, and run `step-2`.

Step 2 log

Running STEP-2...
[*] Flashing touchpad firmware...
[*] Opening in touchpad mode
>>> Trying to open VID:258a PID:001f...
>>> Kernel Driver Active
>>> Verify mismatch: type=f2, pass=e2, received=d2
[repeated ...]
>>> Verify mismatch: type=f2, pass=e2, received=d2
>>> Touchpad verify (type=242, pass=226) data failed
>>> Touchpad erase failed
>>> release interface

Another weird thing is, that I got a high pitch sound now all the time (started in the middle of step-1). If I execute step-1 again it disappears shortly. These are the things I tried:

Trisk3lion commented 4 years ago

I had the exact same problem on Manjaro i3 20.04, Pinebook Pro iso. What worked for me was to run step 2 in the tty (Ctrl+Alt+F4 after login). Strange that it didn't work for you!

clouddistortion commented 4 years ago

I know it's terrible but since I tried everything else it was my last resort see: https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/pinebook-pro-keyboard-updater/issues/19#issuecomment-602084548

tgunnoe commented 3 years ago

I have this issue as well, running NixOS and have tried on Manjaro/default Debian build. Trackpad is gone on all of them and I had the same error as above. The fix mentioned above did not work for me either.

tgunnoe commented 3 years ago

Nevermind. The trackpad was unplugged.

Ecco commented 3 years ago

Hit by the same problem. Shutting down instead of rebooting fixed it!

stolendata commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem on my early 2020 ISO model. Just as @Ecco suggested, the solution was to POWER OFF instead of rebooting between steps.