jackhumbert / sitelen-pona-pona

a standard/font for sitelen pona (for toki pona)
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Remap sitelen pona pona to the accepted UCSUR sitelen pona proposal #11

Open coolreader18 opened 2 years ago

coolreader18 commented 2 years ago

Resolves #9. c.f. https://www.kreativekorp.com/ucsur/charts/sitelen.html

Couple things about what I did:

  1. I removed the unicode codepoints for tp_space and tp_combine, since they don't have direct counterparts in the UCSUR proposal, and seem like implementation details of the combining/word-splitting system. (the proposal does have SITELEN PONA {STACKING,SCALING} JOINER but those are more specific, and it recommends using a normal ZWJ for combining ideographs. since ideograph combining seems kinda wip(?) I decided to just leave it as-is.)
  2. Reordered the table of unicode glyphs according to the new codepoints (the non-pu words are the only ones that have a different order), as well as the 16px all-glyphs example. LMK if that's something you'd rather I revert, I just did it cause they were previously ordered in the previous codepoint order.

Also, I'm not sure why, but I think some of the glyphs might have changed verrrrry slightly. Maybe just fontforge upgrading them or something? idk, I could only notice when tabbing back and forth between the old version of the page and the new one.