jackieli123723 / jackieli123723.github.io

✅lilidong 个人博客
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now.sh部署node项目 #50

Open jackieli123723 opened 6 years ago

jackieli123723 commented 6 years ago

now.sh是一个傻瓜式的部署node应用,但是有项目个数和流量限制,可用于学习和测试用,而且最关键的是如果你不会https和http2协议,都给你打包好了,可以一部到位 http-->https || http1.1 --> http2

qq 20180210155440





now alias https://now-demo-qqbrkhqirr.now.sh/ ssl.lilidong.cn

now --token '你的token'  修改文件后需要重新发布和指定域名dns解析

## 可以是index.html 
## 可以是node 必选300 端口 而且要暴露出来app 服务

## now 部署node应用

Administrator@lenovo-PC MINGW64 /e/jackieli/node-code-write-练习/npm模块/now/now-https-vue
$ now
> Error! No existing credentials found. Please run "now login" or pass "--token"
> More details: https://err.sh/now-cli/no-credentials-found

Administrator@lenovo-PC MINGW64 /e/jackieli/node-code-write-练习/npm模块/now/now-https-vue
$ now --token '你的token'
> Error! Missing `start` (or `now-start`) script in `package.json`. See: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/start

Administrator@lenovo-PC MINGW64 /e/jackieli/node-code-write-练习/npm模块/now/now-https-vue
$ now --token '你的token'
https://nodejshttpsbysgi-rbfeabetzv.now.sh> Error! Unexpected error. Please try again later. (
You are on the OSS plan. Your code and logs will be made public. If you agree with that, please run again with --public.)

now的二级域名package.json name字段
 "name": "nodejs_https_by_sgi",

  now --token '你的token' alias https://nodejshttpsbysgi-rbfeabetzv.now.sh ssl.lilidong.cn

 Administrator@lenovo-PC MINGW64 /e/jackieli/node-code-write-练习/npm模块/now/now-https-vue
$ now alias https://nodejshttpsbysgi-rbfeabetzv.now.sh ssl.lilidong.cn
> Error! No existing credentials found. Please run "now login" or pass "--token"
> More details: https://err.sh/now-cli/no-credentials-found

Administrator@lenovo-PC MINGW64 /e/jackieli/node-code-write-练习/npm模块/now/now-https-vue
$  now --token '你的token' alias https://nodejshttpsbysgi-rbfeabetzv.now.sh ssl.lilidong.cn
> ssl.lilidong.cn is a custom domain.
> Verifying the DNS settings for ssl.lilidong.cn (see https://zeit.world for help)

## dns的配置

now --token '你的token' dns

now --token '你的token' alias https://nodejshttpsbysgi-rbfeabetzv.now.sh https.lilidong.cn

Administrator@lenovo-PC MINGW64 /e/jackieli/node-code-write-练习/npm模块/now/now-https-vue
$ now --token '你的token' alias https://nodejshttpsbysgi-rbfeabetzv.now.sh https.lilidong.cn
> https.lilidong.cn is a custom domain.
> Verifying the DNS settings for https.lilidong.cn (see https://zeit.world for help)
> Resolved IP: none
> Nameservers: f1g1ns1.dnspod.net, f1g1ns2.dnspod.net
> Error! Please make sure that your nameservers point to zeit.world.
> Examples: (full list at https://zeit.world)
> - a.zeit.world
> - b.zeit.world
> - c.zeit.world
> Alternatively, ensure it resolves to alias.zeit.co via CNAME / ALIAS.

now --token '你的token' dns add my-app.com @ MX mail.awesome-now.us 10

now dns add zeit.rocks @ CAA '0 issue "comodo.com"'

now dns add <domain> <name> <record type> <value> [mx_priority]

now --token '你的token' dns add lilidong.cn ssl MX nodejshttpsbysgi-rbfeabetzv.now.sh 10

now --token '你的token'  dns add lilidong.cn ssl A

now dns add zeit.rocks ext A
Creates an A record that makes the subdomain ext.zeit.rocks resolve to the server located at the IP address

now dns add zeit.rocks @ MX mail.awesome-now.us 10
Creates an MX record which makes the mail server located at mail.awesome-now.us responsible for handling emails sent to an address suffixed with @zeit.rocks.

Administrator@lenovo-PC MINGW64 /e/jackieli/node-code-write-练习/npm模块/now/now-https-vue
$ now --token '你的token'  dns

  Δ now dns [options] <command>


    add   [details]    Add a new DNS entry (see below for examples)
    rm    [id]         Remove a DNS entry using its ID
    ls    [domain]     List all DNS entries for a domain


    -h, --help                     Output usage information
    -A FILE, --local-config=FILE   Path to the local `now.json` file
    -Q DIR, --global-config=DIR    Path to the global `.now` directory
    -d, --debug                    Debug mode [off]
    -t TOKEN, --token=TOKEN        Login token
    -T, --team                     Set a custom team scope


  – Add an A record for a subdomain

      $ now dns add <DOMAIN> <SUBDOMAIN> <A | AAAA | ALIAS | CNAME | TXT>  <VALUE>
      $ now dns add zeit.rocks api A

  – Add an MX record (@ as a name refers to the domain)

      $ now dns add <DOMAIN> '@' MX <RECORD VALUE> <PRIORITY>
      $ now dns add zeit.rocks '@' MX mail.zeit.rocks 10

  – Add an SRV record

      $ now dns add <DOMAIN> <NAME> SRV <PRIORITY> <WEIGHT> <PORT> <TARGET>
      $ now dns add zeit.rocks SRV 10 0 389 zeit.party

now --token '你的token' dns add lilidong.cn ssl  A

now --token 

now --token '你的token' cc add
now --token '你的token' upgrade
now --token '你的token' alias https://nodejshttpsbysgi-rbfeabetzv.now.sh ssl.lilidong.cn