jackjack-jj / pywallet

bitcoin wallet importer/exporter
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ValueError: Input strings must be a multiple of 16 in length #24

Open daxdebor1 opened 3 years ago

daxdebor1 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am a bit noob here, but trying to use pywallet to decrypt wallet.dat. Password is right, I know, checked in corecrypto. But when trying to dumpwallet with passphrase: Traceback (most recent call last): File "pywallet.py", line 3592, in read_wallet(json_db, db_env, wallet_name, True, True, "", options.dumpbalanc e is not None) File "pywallet.py", line 2555, in read_wallet secret = crypter.Decrypt(ckey) File "pywallet.py", line 739, in Decrypt return AES.new(self.chKey,AES.MODE_CBC,self.chIV).decrypt(data)[0:32] File "D:\Bitcoin\Python\lib\site-packages\Crypto\Cipher\blockalgo.py", line 29 5, in decrypt return self._cipher.decrypt(ciphertext) ValueError: Input strings must be a multiple of 16 in length

I am running the python 2.7 with pycrypto and last pywallet from jackjack. I know, the problem is probably not with pywallet, but AES, but any advice is very welcome.

p.s. running on windows.

Thanks! Dax

jackjack-jj commented 3 years ago

Hi, what is the version of your wallet? Is it bitcoin-core? Could you send me a new, empty wallet that triggers the bug?

daxdebor1 commented 3 years ago

Hi JackJack, yes, its bitcoin-core, various versions, tried as well fixwallet.py etc. The passphrase is correct, when I write a wrong1 into pywallet.py, it says encrypted and pass incorrect. when I write the correct, it writes mentioned ValueError. I do not have the new, empty that triggers the bug. Edit: I tried as well several Pywallets. Most of them have the same Error. Just Pywallet SSL wrote "NameError: global name 'ctypes' is not defined" and Pywallet Crypter pure wrote "IndexError: list index out of range" Any ideas? Sorry for spamming. :) Thanks, Dax.

jackjack-jj commented 3 years ago

Sorry, didn't get the notification FWIW I just pushed a version with a bit less stupid crypter loading Now for your problem, I get a segfault with the SSL crypter so let's focus on the 2 other ones

For pycrypto, I don't get where the problem is as the data is padded using append_PKCS7_padding You could replace it with that though to see what you get:

def append_PKCS7_padding(s):
    """return s padded to a multiple of 16-bytes by PKCS7 padding"""
    numpads = 16 - (len(s)%16)
    r = s + numpads*chr(numpads)
    return r

Does the string has a size of a multiple of 16? It sounds like a Windows encoding-related bug but that's strange I never heard of that before I'll try that on Windows when I have a chance

Can you post the entire traceback of the crypto pure error?

daxdebor1 commented 3 years ago

Hello JackJack, thanks for your reply. I downloaded your last version of pywallet.py (updated ca 2 days ago). I changed the padding as your recommendation. the message same as following: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Bitcoin\Python\pywalletpo.py", line 3923, in read_wallet(json_db, db_env, wallet_name, True, True, "", not(options.dumpba lance is None)) File "D:\Bitcoin\Python\pywalletpo.py", line 2775, in read_wallet secret = crypter.Decrypt(ckey) File "D:\Bitcoin\Python\pywalletpo.py", line 908, in Decrypt return AES.new(self.chKey,AES.MODE_CBC,self.chIV).decrypt(data)[0:32] File "D:\bitcoin\Python\lib\site-packages\Crypto\Cipher\blockalgo.py", line 29 5, in decrypt return self._cipher.decrypt(ciphertext) ValueError: Input strings must be a multiple of 16 in length

To be honest, I am not that skilled, not sure, how to check the padding. I do have the Python 2.7. and pycrypto-2.6.win-amd64-py2.7. A bit strange, the mentioned blockalgo.py and overall Crypto Cipher is from 2012. Not sure if there might be a newer version? I really appreciate your support. If you prefer, please, do not hesitate to contact me on my e-mail: daxdebor@gmail.com and we could discuss faster and in more details. Thanks. Dax