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mutt --> send mail in Linux #22

Open jackjindtnt opened 6 years ago

jackjindtnt commented 6 years ago

mutt [-nRyzZ] [-e cmd] [-F file] [-m type] [-f file]

mutt [-nx] [-e cmd] [-a file] [-F file] [-H file] [-i file] [-s subj] [-b addr] [-c addr] addr [...]

mutt [-n] [-e cmd] [-F file] -p

mutt -v[v]


Tag Description
-a file Attach a file to your message using MIME.
-b address Specify a blind-carbon-copy (BCC) recipient
-c address Specify a carbon-copy (CC) recipient
-e command Specify a configuration command to be run after processing of initialization files.
-f mailbox Specify which mailbox to load.
-F muttrc Specify an initialization file to read instead of ~/.muttrc
-h Display help.
-H draft Specify a draft file which contains header and body to use to send a message.
-i include Specify a file to include into the body of a message.
-m type specify a default mailbox type
-n Causes Mutt to bypass the system configuration file.
-p Resume a postponed message.
-R Open a mailbox in read-only mode.
-s subject Specify the subject of the message.
-v Display the Mutt version number and compile-time definitions.
-x Emulate the mailx compose mode.
-y Start Mutt with a listing of all mailboxes specified by the mailboxes command.
-z When used with -f, causes Mutt not to start if there are no messages in the mailbox.
-Z Causes Mutt to open the first mailbox specified by the mailboxes command which contains new mail, or exit immediately if none.
Tag Description
~/.muttrc or ~/.mutt/muttrc User configuration file.
/etc/Muttrc System-wide configuration file.
/tmp/muttXXXXXX Temporary files created by Mutt.
~/.mailcap User definition for handling non-text MIME types.
/etc/mailcap System definition for handling non-text MIME types.
~/.mime.types User’s personal mapping between MIME types and file extensions.
/etc/mime.types System mapping between MIME types and file extensions.
/usr/bin/mutt_dotlock The privileged dotlocking program.
/usr/share/doc/mutt- The Mutt manual.