I tried to run the docker compose setup, but it fails.
If I understand the message right, store_messages should be set to off,
otherwise, I need to configure an AWS S3 bucket.
(According README.MD)
I did not find any information how to set these configs from outside by docker environment vars.
If I check the code, it looks like, store_messages will not been read from ENV vars.
Maybe the docker-compose has a missing part,
besides the postgres typo issues POSTGRES instead of POSTGRESS
mailgun_logger-web-1 | |> MIGRATE_AND_SEED
mailgun_logger-web-1 | |> Starting dependencies...
mailgun_logger-web-1 | |> Starting repos...
mailgun_logger-web-1 | |> Running seed script...
mailgun_logger-web-1 | 13:21:30.110 [info] Migrations already up
mailgun_logger-web-1 | |> Success!
mailgun_logger-web-1 | 13:21:36.777 [notice] Application mailgun_logger exited: exited in: MailgunLogger.Application.start(:normal, [])
mailgun_logger-web-1 | ** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
mailgun_logger-web-1 | ** (RuntimeError) If `store_messages` is on, you need to configure ex_aws
mailgun_logger-web-1 | (mailgun_logger 2308.1.1) lib/mailgun_logger/application.ex:33: MailgunLogger.Application.check_store_raw/0
mailgun_logger-web-1 | (mailgun_logger 2308.1.1) lib/mailgun_logger/application.ex:9: MailgunLogger.Application.start/2
mailgun_logger-web-1 | (kernel application_master.erl:293: :application_master.start_it_old/4
mailgun_logger-web-1 | {"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,mailgun_logger,{bad_return,{{'Elixir.MailgunLogger.Application',start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{#{'__exception__' => true,'__struct__' => 'Elixir.RuntimeError',message =>
mailgun_logger-web-1 | <<\"If `store_messages` is on, you n
mailgun_logger-web-1 | eed to configure ex_aws\">>},[{'Elixir.MailgunLogger.Application',check_store_raw,0,[{file,\"lib/mailgun_logger/application.ex\"},{line,33},{error_info,#{module => 'Elixir.Exception'}}]},{'Elixir.MailgunLogger.Application',start,2,[{file,\"lib/mailgun_logger/application.ex\"},{line,9}]},{application_master,start_it_old,4,[{file,\"application_master.erl\"},{line,293}]}]}}}}}"}
mailgun_logger-web-1 | Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,mailgun_logger,{bad_return,{{'Elixir.MailgunLogger.Applica
mailgun_logger-web-1 | tion',start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{#{'__exception__' => true,'__struct__' => 'Elixir.RuntimeError',message => <<"If `store_messages` is on, you need to configure ex_aws">>},[{'Elixir.MailgunLogger.Application',check_store_raw,0,[{file,"lib/mailgun_logger/application.ex"},{line,33},{error_info,#{module => 'Elixir.Exception'}}]},{'Elixir.MailgunLogger.Application',start,2,[{file,"lib/mailgun_logger/application.ex"},{line,9}]},{application_master,start_it_old,4,[{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,293}]}]}}}}})
mailgun_logger-web-1 |
mailgun_logger-web-1 | Crash dump is being written to: erl_crash.dump...
mailgun_logger-web-1 | done
mailgun_logger-web-1 exited with code 1
Hello, I tried to run the docker compose setup, but it fails. If I understand the message right, store_messages should be set to off, otherwise, I need to configure an AWS S3 bucket. (According README.MD)
I did not find any information how to set these configs from outside by docker environment vars. If I check the code, it looks like, store_messages will not been read from ENV vars.
Maybe the docker-compose has a missing part, besides the postgres typo issues POSTGRES instead of POSTGRESS