jacklul / USharpVideo-Subtitles

This prefab adds subtitles support to USharpVideo (or any other video player) in VRChat
MIT License
41 stars 3 forks source link

Issues on Quest platform #1

Closed jacklul closed 3 months ago

jacklul commented 2 years ago

Tested it on my Quest 1 and found out:

As far as I know, these issues are caused by Quest VRChat build and cannot be fixed in the prefab but I'm keeping this issue open to keep track of this issue. USharpVideo seems to have the same issue, the fields for current and previous URL always remain empty.

Everything else seems to work.

Related canny issue: https://vrchat.canny.io/quest-creators/p/864-ui-inputfields-are-not-functional-on-quest

jacklul commented 1 year ago

Apparently InputFields are now interactable on Quest platform, unsure about TextMeshPro ones though...

jacklul commented 3 months ago

Mentioned issues should be gone in VRChat SDK 3.6.1.