jackmakesthings / game-dev

return False; an experiment in AI and decision-making, via Godot Engine
GNU General Public License v2.0
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update/re-implement savefiles #54

Open jackmakesthings opened 8 years ago

jackmakesthings commented 8 years ago

Rebuild/re-implement game data saving system, with details from #8 (below). Note - this issue is just for the save/load functionality. UI can be placeholder.

via dean:

Shit to display:

  • Filename

  • Timestamp, either the real-world date/time the save file was made, or the in-game hours:minutes elapsed

  • Type of save file

    • Manual or “hard” save, a save file the player created. Can create as many as they want, and overwrite any of them. If the player doesn’t bother to name them, should automatically name them Save 1, Save 2, Save 3...
    • Autosave, a save file the game automatically created at a checkpoint. Will only overwrite other autosave slots, starting with the oldest. Should be labeled.

Other shit to track:

  • Quest states
  • Trust values ( #37 )
  • Upgrade point allocation (make sure to include points they haven’t spent yet) ( #40 )
  • Location (maybe display this?)
  • Inventory, both player inventory and object inventory (looted containers should stay looted) ( #46 )
  • Exhausted dialogue options. Stuff the player already talked to them about, but they can reopen that branch of the dialogue tree if they want (perhaps to try again with a newly-acquired skill, or to refresh themselves on important information). The text should be a darkened color, but different from unavailable options. ( #45 )

Optional shit other games commonly have that I don’t think we need:

  • Save files organized by playthrough
  • Quicksaves
  • A little screenshot of the game when you saved it displayed on the file
  • Completion percentage