jackmoore / wheelzoom

A small script for zooming IMG elements with the mousewheel/trackpad.
MIT License
342 stars 95 forks source link

Wheelzoom not working in carousel bootstrap: why not? #46

Open veldfiets opened 2 years ago

veldfiets commented 2 years ago

**This is the html/body:

.. previous ..

    <div class="carousel-item">
        <img class="zoom d-block w-10" src="slides/slider-1.jpg" data-color="black" alt="foto">
        <script src="wheelzoom.js"></script>
        wheelzoom(document.querySelectorAll ('img.zoom'));
        <div class="carousel-caption d-md-block">
             <h5>Langwarder Groden, detail</h5>     
    </div> Etc., more slides to come. Thanks for any solution. P.s. the wheelzoom.js I dowloaded via Download/JackMoore-site. 
veldfiets commented 2 years ago

Conflicting javascripts.