jackmoore / zoom

jQuery plugin for zooming images on mouseover.
MIT License
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Keyboard arrow key controls for accessibility #142

Open gibinealias opened 5 years ago

jackmoore commented 5 years ago

@gibinealias Thanks for the pull request.

I cannot merge this request because it is globally applied. You've taken away the user's ability to navigate around the page using the arrow keys. Also, the keyboard navigation is applying to every instance of zoom on the page. There has some intent expressed by the user in order to activate keyboard controls to a particular zoomed image, then be some way for the user to release those controls when done.

gibinealias commented 5 years ago

@jackmoore - Thanks a lot for your prompt response. Really appreciate it. I've made changes to my PR as you suggested. Please review and let me know your thoughts on the same.

Hecsall commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone, sorry to revive this old discussion. I was working to make this plugin ADA compliant on a client website when I saw this PR. This is a really nice addition to this plugin, but if I may, this PR should also allow moving with arrow keys without having to rely on mouseover, to allow people that use the Tab key to move to pan the image. So I took @gibinealias code and added just a few lines near the end, just after the if (settings.touch) { ... } block:

$source.on('focus', function (e) {

$source.on('blur', function (e) {

This will allow us to start and stop the zoom when the $source element is focused with Tabs. Hope that gibinealias can add this few lines to his PR and that this PR manages to be successfully merged 😄

With this, many US websites can be ADA compliant without having to switch to some other zoom plugin 👍

gibinealias commented 4 years ago

@Hecsall - Thanks :) I've included your code in the PR. Please review and let me know if you have any comments.

Hecsall commented 4 years ago

Seems good to me, good job! Now we just have to wait for this PR to be merged 😄