jackmoore / zoom

jQuery plugin for zooming images on mouseover.
MIT License
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(question) how can i using with "<div> #148

Closed cengizilhan closed 3 years ago

cengizilhan commented 3 years ago

Hey guys, (it is not issue) im not using im using as <div style="background-image" and thats not working on my project.. how can i do it?

jackmoore commented 3 years ago

Ah, so zoom doesn't know to look at background-images. My suggestion would be to do something like this where you explicitly tell zoom what the image should be:

<div id='ex1' style='width: 555px; height: 320px; background: url("daisy.jpg") center center / contain no-repeat;'></div>
        $('#ex1').zoom({ url: 'daisy.jpg' });

Or something like this where you get the computed background-image style off a specific DOM element:

<div id='ex2' style='width: 555px; height: 320px; background: url("daisy.jpg") center center / contain no-repeat;'></div>
            $(this).zoom({ url: $(this).css('background-image').slice(5,-2) });

The value of $(this).css('background-image') in this case will be url("daisy.jpg"), so adding .slice(5,-2) is for trimming off the url("") that wraps the image path that we want. Hope that all makes sense.