jackmoore / zoom

jQuery plugin for zooming images on mouseover.
MIT License
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Vertically center image when triggered #67

Open scottsandersdev opened 9 years ago

scottsandersdev commented 9 years ago

Hi there, I suppose this is more of a feature request, but I didn't see the tag option available.

I'm developing a product page for a major fashion retail corporation in nyc, looking to implement a quick zoom script when the user clicks on a scaled down version of the product image.

I'm curious if the script could be easily altered to vertically center the image when I call it like this. I could email you a link if you would like to check out how I'm currently utilizing it.


Luphrid commented 9 years ago

@scottsandersdev , so when the zoom is triggered, you want it to zoom in on the larger image center?

scottsandersdev commented 9 years ago

Yep, that's about it, I sent an email to your hello@jacklmoore.com address with a link to view the current page as is..


scottsandersdev commented 9 years ago

Hey there, I also just realized it is cloning the image in the dom.. I think twice.. ? Anyway to keep it from doing that?

scottsandersdev commented 9 years ago

I just realized the person that responded to this was not the creator of the script. Let me know if you need an example of the page utilizing the script, and thanks for responding..

Luphrid commented 9 years ago

An example would be great.