jacknlliu / development-issues

Some issues from my development
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zero joint velocities or zero effort from gazebo_ros #49

Open jacknlliu opened 6 years ago

jacknlliu commented 6 years ago

For some robots in ros repos, joint_state_controller and gazebo_ros_joint_state_publisher can't publish non-zero velocity in topic /joint_states when we use the Position hardware interface in simualtion with gazebo. But for some robots like iiwa_stack, it works.

But if we use the Velocity hardware interface, it always works.

Many months ago, I comment this issue on Adding velocity to joint state publisher gazebo plugin #669. But I think this is a bug in gazebo_ros or gazebo_ros_control, not gazebo_ros_joint_state_publisher.

Ubuntu 16.04
Gazebo 7.0
ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros 2.5.14-1xenial-20180125-144821-0800
ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control 2.5.14-1xenial-20180125-161406-0800


jacknlliu commented 6 years ago

zero effort in topic joint_states


yanqingyang commented 5 years ago

so at last how did you get the accurate joint states(position, velocity and effort) ?

jacknlliu commented 5 years ago

@yanqingyang you can change to use Velocity hardware interface, and it will publish the position and velocity, but effort maybe not correct.