jackocnr / intl-tel-input

A JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers. React and Vue components also included.
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Update the country list #125

Closed rohanvakharia closed 9 years ago

rohanvakharia commented 9 years ago

I have found that, many countries are missing from the list. Please update the country flags and respected telephone codes.

jackocnr commented 9 years ago

Can you give examples of missing countries?

And are you saying flags and telephone codes are out of date too? Which ones?

rohanvakharia commented 9 years ago

I have verified that with the famfamfam.com's flag list (seams that you also used from there). They have updated there list.

jackocnr commented 9 years ago

Again, can you give an example of a missing country?

rohanvakharia commented 9 years ago

Hey @jackocnr ,

Following is the list of countries I have, you can compare this with your list:

AD,"Andorra" AE,"United Arab Emirates" AF,"Afghanistan" AG,"Antigua and Barbuda" AI,"Anguilla" AL,"Albania" AM,"Armenia" AO,"Angola" AP,"Asia/Pacific Region" AQ,"Antarctica" AR,"Argentina" AS,"American Samoa" AT,"Austria" AU,"Australia" AW,"Aruba" AX,"Aland Islands" AZ,"Azerbaijan" BA,"Bosnia and Herzegovina" BB,"Barbados" BD,"Bangladesh" BE,"Belgium" BF,"Burkina Faso" BG,"Bulgaria" BH,"Bahrain" BI,"Burundi" BJ,"Benin" BL,"Saint Bartelemey" BM,"Bermuda" BN,"Brunei Darussalam" BO,"Bolivia" BQ,"Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba" BR,"Brazil" BS,"Bahamas" BT,"Bhutan" BV,"Bouvet Island" BW,"Botswana" BY,"Belarus" BZ,"Belize" CA,"Canada" CC,"Cocos (Keeling) Islands" CD,"Congo, The Democratic Republic of the" CF,"Central African Republic" CG,"Congo" CH,"Switzerland" CI,"Cote d'Ivoire" CK,"Cook Islands" CL,"Chile" CM,"Cameroon" CN,"China" CO,"Colombia" CR,"Costa Rica" CU,"Cuba" CV,"Cape Verde" CW,"Curacao" CX,"Christmas Island" CY,"Cyprus" CZ,"Czech Republic" DE,"Germany" DJ,"Djibouti" DK,"Denmark" DM,"Dominica" DO,"Dominican Republic" DZ,"Algeria" EC,"Ecuador" EE,"Estonia" EG,"Egypt" EH,"Western Sahara" ER,"Eritrea" ES,"Spain" ET,"Ethiopia" EU,"Europe" FI,"Finland" FJ,"Fiji" FK,"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" FM,"Micronesia, Federated States of" FO,"Faroe Islands" FR,"France" GA,"Gabon" GB,"United Kingdom" GD,"Grenada" GE,"Georgia" GF,"French Guiana" GG,"Guernsey" GH,"Ghana" GI,"Gibraltar" GL,"Greenland" GM,"Gambia" GN,"Guinea" GP,"Guadeloupe" GQ,"Equatorial Guinea" GR,"Greece" GS,"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" GT,"Guatemala" GU,"Guam" GW,"Guinea-Bissau" GY,"Guyana" HK,"Hong Kong" HM,"Heard Island and McDonald Islands" HN,"Honduras" HR,"Croatia" HT,"Haiti" HU,"Hungary" ID,"Indonesia" IE,"Ireland" IL,"Israel" IM,"Isle of Man" IN,"India" IO,"British Indian Ocean Territory" IQ,"Iraq" IR,"Iran, Islamic Republic of" IS,"Iceland" IT,"Italy" JE,"Jersey" JM,"Jamaica" JO,"Jordan" JP,"Japan" KE,"Kenya" KG,"Kyrgyzstan" KH,"Cambodia" KI,"Kiribati" KM,"Comoros" KN,"Saint Kitts and Nevis" KP,"Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" KR,"Korea, Republic of" KW,"Kuwait" KY,"Cayman Islands" KZ,"Kazakhstan" LA,"Lao People's Democratic Republic" LB,"Lebanon" LC,"Saint Lucia" LI,"Liechtenstein" LK,"Sri Lanka" LR,"Liberia" LS,"Lesotho" LT,"Lithuania" LU,"Luxembourg" LV,"Latvia" LY,"Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" MA,"Morocco" MC,"Monaco" MD,"Moldova, Republic of" ME,"Montenegro" MF,"Saint Martin" MG,"Madagascar" MH,"Marshall Islands" MK,"Macedonia" ML,"Mali" MM,"Myanmar" MN,"Mongolia" MO,"Macao" MP,"Northern Mariana Islands" MQ,"Martinique" MR,"Mauritania" MS,"Montserrat" MT,"Malta" MU,"Mauritius" MV,"Maldives" MW,"Malawi" MX,"Mexico" MY,"Malaysia" MZ,"Mozambique" NA,"Namibia" NC,"New Caledonia" NE,"Niger" NF,"Norfolk Island" NG,"Nigeria" NI,"Nicaragua" NL,"Netherlands" NO,"Norway" NP,"Nepal" NR,"Nauru" NU,"Niue" NZ,"New Zealand" OM,"Oman" PA,"Panama" PE,"Peru" PF,"French Polynesia" PG,"Papua New Guinea" PH,"Philippines" PK,"Pakistan" PL,"Poland" PM,"Saint Pierre and Miquelon" PN,"Pitcairn" PR,"Puerto Rico" PS,"Palestinian Territory" PT,"Portugal" PW,"Palau" PY,"Paraguay" QA,"Qatar" RE,"Reunion" RO,"Romania" RS,"Serbia" RU,"Russian Federation" RW,"Rwanda" SA,"Saudi Arabia" SB,"Solomon Islands" SC,"Seychelles" SD,"Sudan" SE,"Sweden" SG,"Singapore" SH,"Saint Helena" SI,"Slovenia" SJ,"Svalbard and Jan Mayen" SK,"Slovakia" SL,"Sierra Leone" SM,"San Marino" SN,"Senegal" SO,"Somalia" SR,"Suriname" SS,"South Sudan" ST,"Sao Tome and Principe" SV,"El Salvador" SX,"Sint Maarten" SY,"Syrian Arab Republic" SZ,"Swaziland" TC,"Turks and Caicos Islands" TD,"Chad" TF,"French Southern Territories" TG,"Togo" TH,"Thailand" TJ,"Tajikistan" TK,"Tokelau" TL,"Timor-Leste" TM,"Turkmenistan" TN,"Tunisia" TO,"Tonga" TR,"Turkey" TT,"Trinidad and Tobago" TV,"Tuvalu" TW,"Taiwan" TZ,"Tanzania, United Republic of" UA,"Ukraine" UG,"Uganda" UM,"United States Minor Outlying Islands" US,"United States" UY,"Uruguay" UZ,"Uzbekistan" VA,"Holy See (Vatican City State)" VC,"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" VE,"Venezuela" VG,"Virgin Islands, British" VI,"Virgin Islands, U.S." VN,"Vietnam" VU,"Vanuatu" WF,"Wallis and Futuna" WS,"Samoa" YE,"Yemen" YT,"Mayotte" ZA,"South Africa" ZM,"Zambia" ZW,"Zimbabwe"

jackocnr commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry but I don't have time to go through that whole list and checking every one - please can you name one or two of the countries that are missing from the plugin that you think should be included?

You can check against the country data in here: https://github.com/Bluefieldscom/intl-tel-input/blob/master/src/js/data.js

rohanvakharia commented 9 years ago

Hi @jackocnr

Some of the missing countries are as follows:

  1. Antarctica
  2. Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba
  3. Guernsey
  4. Isle of Man
  5. Mayotte
  6. Pitcairn
jackocnr commented 9 years ago

They are mostly sub-regions of countries that we do have:

  1. Antarctica is not a country and doesn't have a single dial code (or according to this it shares dial codes with a bunch of neighboring countries like Australia and Argentina).
  2. Bonaire (+599 7), Sint Eustatius (+599 3) and Saba (+599 4) are all covered by the Caribbean Netherlands (+599)
  3. Guernsey (+44 1481) is covered by the United Kingdom (+44)
  4. Isle of Man (+44 1624) is covered by the United Kingdom (+44)
  5. Mayotte (+262 269 / 639) is covered by Reunion (+262)
  6. Pitcairn Islands (+64 xx) are covered by New Zealand (+64)

Does that make sense?

rohanvakharia commented 9 years ago

Yes it make sense. Thanks.

deepikaSharma-viewlift commented 3 years ago

UK is missing

Fharhanamrin commented 2 years ago
