jackokring / KRTPluginA

Another later version VCV rack repo.
6 stars 0 forks source link

Invalid entries in plugin.json #2

Closed cschol closed 3 years ago

cschol commented 3 years ago
[VCV] Validating plugin.json...
Exception validating URL: kring.co.uk ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)
[VCV] Issues found in `plugin.json`:                

Invalid URL: kring.co.uk   
Invalid license ID: proprietary                    
-- License must be a valid Identifier from https://spdx.org/licenses/

For the Invalid URL issue, please add "https://" to the URL. For the Invalid license issue, please select the appropriate license identifier from the SPDX database at the URL above.

jackokring commented 3 years ago

Changes commited.