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autogenerate goofy names for new users #107

Closed michaelkirk closed 8 years ago

michaelkirk commented 8 years ago

Instead of "user #54" autogenerate something goofy, madlib style (adjective) + (noun),

e.g. "Blustery Chicken", "Quick Apple", "Illustrious Trombone"

I'm not sure what the algorithm is for optimally fun names.

This feature can be implemented on the API end, it does not necessitate an app store release.

The idea is that in a later feature, users will earn points by correctly guessing spots, and by having a good spot that other people have guessed. A user will have to "spend" points in order to change their name. This is a way to encourage users into getting more points (participate in the game), similar to stack overflow permission unlocking.

Also, in the short term, I think it would appear less broken than "This is User #53's Spot"

@ferndopolis are you coding away in idaho or are you off the grid?