jackpine / biketag-ios

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turn off location alert when not on cameraview controller #35

Open michaelkirk opened 9 years ago

michaelkirk commented 9 years ago

Given location services are disabled And I click "I know this spot" Then I see the camera view controller And in a couple seconds I see "we're having trouble pinpointing your location" alert

This is as expected... BUT if I do this:

Given location services are disabled And I click "I know this spot" Then I see the camera view controller And I hit "back" before the alert pops Then the app screen goes black and I see this in the log: Warning: Attempt to present <UIAlertController: 0x790ab270> on <BikeTag.GuessSpotViewController: 0x79128bc0> whose view is not in the window hierarchy! Presumably because we're trying to pop the "we're having trouble pinpointing your location" alert from the view controller that's no longer being shown.

Although, I just did this again, and saw the log message, but the screen didn't go black. I'm not sure of the severity of this bug.

michaelkirk commented 8 years ago

Now that location services are required upon loading the spot feed, you can't proceed to any other page until your location has been found. So now, this only affects people who turn of location services mid-app usage, so this is even less relevant.