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Clock timer disappearing when timer runs out while view is not presented. #53

Open michaelkirk opened 9 years ago

michaelkirk commented 9 years ago

Background: Given I've correctly guessed the current spot And I have 5 seconds left to create a new spot

Scenario 1

And I am still on the "check guess" screen when the timer runs out Then the clock animates it's position up a bit, and stays presented in the view as expected.

screen shot 2015-06-02 at 4 32 25 pm

Scenario 2

And I press the "I'm at my new spot" button So that I am no longer on the "check guess" screen when the timer runs out And when I hit back to look at the "Check guess" screen Then I see that the "times up" animations have triggered But there is no visible timer

screen shot 2015-06-02 at 4 27 29 pm

Note however, that the view is there according to the xcode view inspector.

![Uploading Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 4.29.20 PM.png…]()

You can tell this is the view because of the "text: 00:00" attribute on the right panel. But why is it not visible?

Maybe related to this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25618322/presented-view-controller-disappears-after-animation-using-custom-uiviewcontroll