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Cucumbers for correct spot Scenario #93

Closed jmoody closed 8 years ago

jmoody commented 8 years ago

FORCE PUSHED Tue Aug 18 23:56 PDT


Exploring the code base with Cucumber.

$ git pull
$ git co -t origin/feature/cukes-for-correct-spot
$ make app
$ be cucumber -t @correct_spot

The only thing I am not happy with is that I did not check that the final image is the correct image. I would to this with a checksum, but the only way I know how to do this is with Apple's CommonCrypto.framework and I did not want to add a library to project.

jmoody commented 8 years ago

Sending it back to me.

jmoody commented 8 years ago


I am going to close this and restart. Too many things have changed.

Can you put these in the xib?

I can. But - wow! Navigating the storyboard to find the view elements is painful.

jmoody commented 8 years ago

My 2 cents - It is easier to put the identifiers in the source code.

This is ready for review and merging.

jmoody commented 8 years ago

Note that it was rebased!

jmoody commented 8 years ago

The conflicts appear in the storyboard XIB.

They cannot be resolved because I can't tell what should stay and what should go.

A straight resolution results in a numerous AutoLayout conflicts.

I am giving up. :(