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What are some of your go-to resources for CSS architecture? #3

Closed vkraucunas closed 7 years ago

vkraucunas commented 7 years ago

I'm familiar with Bourbon + Bitters, but that's about as far as I've gotten on the topic.

jackrugile commented 7 years ago

This question makes me sad because I don't have a good answer. And I really really really should have a good answer.

Honestly, even with somewhat smaller projects, organizing things, naming things, and having any sort of strategy has always been a struggle for me. I usually keep a roughly similar organization of files in Sass (that's what I usually use), and then I'll write from scratch as I need things. I of course will pull code from similar components used in other projects here and there as needed too.

I work on a pretty small dev team. We typically see projects from start to finish individually, so we can get away with some bad personal habits. It's only when someone else goes to touch our code that everything crumbles and you have to answer why you did something the way you did. And damn it when that happens!

"Don't make me explain my code, bro. I'm a free spirit and I do what I want. Plus, it's experimental and abstract, you wouldn't understand."

This is starting to shift lately though. We're collaborating on more projects these days. Since inconsistency in strategy and in style is becoming an issue, we've been having discussions about ways to get organized. So many questions come up like:

And I honestly don't know the answers to most of those questions. So, in a way I am grateful that I know that I know nothing, but it still sucks because, ya know, I know nothing. Also, I realize some of those questions above go beyond what you were even asking anyway.

To sum up, I'm lost, and if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears. :ear::ear::ear: I'll check out Bourbon + Bitters to start. I know those don't solve ALL my problems, but it might solve some.

lualparedes commented 6 years ago

I researched this topic thoroughly during last year and I ended up creating a mini-guide on the topic:

Just my two cents, hope somebody finds this useful! :blush: