jackschedel / KoalaClient

The best LLM API Playground Interface (for me)
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right are hijacked by the app #101

Closed endolith closed 5 months ago

endolith commented 5 months ago

If I try to move my cursor to a previous word by using Ctrl+Arrow key, it changes documents/chats?? Please don't hijack basic keyboard shortcuts.

endolith commented 5 months ago

Honestly this is absolutely infuriating. You must not use this keyboard shortcut? Every time I try to move my cursor around while editing a response, it tabs to another conversation and loses what I was typing. It catches me by surprise every time because using Ctrl to navigate the cursor around words is second nature. It happens even in the Windows app.

jackschedel commented 5 months ago

Sorry about that, I forgot that this would be a conflicting keybind on Windows. On Mac, moving between words uses Option rather than Ctrl. This is fixed in #102, which makes the keybind mac-only. Windows users will still be able to navigate back/forward with their mouse buttons or with the buttons on the top bar.